Auteur: Allison Turner

  • 12 Lousy Tricks vu schlechte Restauranten an Takeaways

    12 Lousy Tricks vu schlechte Restauranten an Takeaways

    Anyone who eats out should know these 12 tricks from restaurants and takeaways. It’s not appetizing – but it’s worth knowing! If you want to survive in gastronomy, you have to calculate well. Restaurants often save on the preparation of popular dishes – to the dismay of customers. Not all chefs and restaurateurs are scammers.…

  • Stëmmung Boost Liewensmëttel: 7 Liewensmëttel déi Häerzschmerz verbannen

    Stëmmung Boost Liewensmëttel: 7 Liewensmëttel déi Häerzschmerz verbannen

    Eating chocolate helps with grief? There is actually something to it. Mood-boosting foods really do exist – and chocolate is also on the list! Lovesickness, homesickness, disappointments – grief is not a nice feeling, but everyone experiences it once. That’s completely normal: You also learn that after every valley, you go uphill again. Sadness often…

  • 9 Antinährstoffer déi Iech krank kënne maachen

    9 Antinährstoffer déi Iech krank kënne maachen

    Some plant foods contain antinutrients. In doing so, they limit the utilization of healthy nutrients in the body. You should avoid these 9 antinutrients. As the name suggests, antinutrients are the opposite of nutrients. Instead of being good for people and animals, they have a harmful effect on the organism. These anti-nutritional ingredients are phytochemicals…

  • Maacht a verfeinert Ären eegene Téi

    Maacht a verfeinert Ären eegene Téi

    It’s so easy to pimp up your tea blends at home. The hot drink can do more than warm us from the inside. With the right mix, the quick infusion becomes a real health booster. Making and refining your own tea can be so easy. You only need the right ingredients for exciting taste ideas.…

  • Geméis Téi: Den Neien Trend Getränk gëtt Kraaft

    Geméis Téi: Den Neien Trend Getränk gëtt Kraaft

    Vegetable tea is the new hot drink trend. Vegetables are mixed with fruit and hot water is poured over it like tea. What’s the point? And how does vegetable tea taste? When you think of tea, you think of fruity aromas like oranges or wild berries, or flowers like chamomile, hawthorn, or hibiscus. Even more…

  • Antivitamins: Dës Liewensmëttel enthalen Vitamin Antagonisten

    Antivitamins: Dës Liewensmëttel enthalen Vitamin Antagonisten

    If you take too many antivitamins, i.e. substances that negate the effect of vitamins, you risk a vitamin deficiency. This in turn can cause various diseases. But in which foods are antivitamins hidden? Vitamin deficiency: what are the symptoms? This can lead to vitamin deficiencies and associated symptoms, including: Vitamin A deficiency: e.g. night blindness,…

  • Gewiicht verléieren: Firwat Dir musst direkt ophalen Kalorien ze zielen!

    Gewiicht verléieren: Firwat Dir musst direkt ophalen Kalorien ze zielen!

    If you want to lose weight, you have to stop counting calories. A contradiction? By far not! 7 reasons why counting calories is preventing you from losing weight. If you want to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you take in. So far, so well known. So in spring all women rush…

  • 7 gëfteg Liewensmëttel Dir ësst regelméisseg

    7 gëfteg Liewensmëttel Dir ësst regelméisseg

    Are Kidney Beans and Potatoes Toxic? We eat some foods almost every day – but they can be really dangerous if you ignore certain instructions. There are these notorious foods, the enjoyment of which is like a test of courage. They aren’t safe. For example, we are talking about puffer fish. One wrong move during…

  • Raw Waasser: Wéi gesond ass de Fréijoerswasser Trend aus den USA wierklech?

    Raw Waasser: Wéi gesond ass de Fréijoerswasser Trend aus den USA wierklech?

    Raw Water has a growing fan base in the United States, particularly in California. But is it really as healthy as its followers believe? There are trends everywhere these days – including in the area of (healthy) nutrition. A new movement from the USA has now dedicated itself to raw water. It should be particularly…

  • Iessen no der Ausübung: Dir sollt op dëst oppassen

    Iessen no der Ausübung: Dir sollt op dëst oppassen

    Hunger often comes after a workout. But what should I consider when eating after exercise? we tell you. Who does not know it? You sweat for hours on the cross trainer to get rid of the love handles by the time you go on vacation – and as soon as you get home, one ravenous…

  • Grillen Steaks Made Easy: Wéi ass d'Fleesch perfekt?

    Grillen Steaks Made Easy: Wéi ass d'Fleesch perfekt?

    When grilling, a good piece of meat should not be missing. Grilling a steak is not that difficult – if you follow a few tricks, the cooking point will also be perfect on the grill! Grilled meat always tastes different. This is due to the great heat, the atmosphere, but also the special smoke aroma.…

  • 5 Liewensmëttel Dir sollt ni op engem eidle Mo iessen

    5 Liewensmëttel Dir sollt ni op engem eidle Mo iessen

    Yoghurt on an empty stomach? Not a good idea! We reveal 5 supposedly healthy foods you shouldn’t eat on an empty stomach. Citrus fruits A glass of orange juice for breakfast? It’s not as healthy as you might think – at least not on an empty stomach. Citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamins, but…

  • Dir sollt dës 9 Raw Iessen ni iessen!

    Dir sollt dës 9 Raw Iessen ni iessen!

    There are many foods that can be eaten raw. However, there are also foods that cause poisoning if they are not boiled, roasted or baked. You should never eat these nine foods raw! Mushrooms Mushrooms can be delicious, in salads for example. However, mushrooms are foods that – with the exception of cultivated mushrooms –…

  • Firwat Dir sollt Algen Ueleg an Ärer Ernährung enthalen

    Firwat Dir sollt Algen Ueleg an Ärer Ernährung enthalen

    Algae oil is the new superfood from the sea. A deficiency in the omega-3 fatty acids it contains can even cause serious illnesses. But what makes the fat of the algae so special? We reveal why you should include algae oil in your diet and why you can even lose weight with the fat. Superfood…

  • Dofir ass Orangensaft sou gesond - 5 Grënn fir den Allrounder

    Dofir ass Orangensaft sou gesond - 5 Grënn fir den Allrounder

    Orange juice has a rather outdated reputation, but fruit juice can easily keep up with the numerous trendy drinks of today. With us you will find out the reasons. Orange juice or smoothie – which is healthier? Spinach, kiwi, and apple. Or celery, cucumber and banana. Green smoothies are all the rage. They are rich…

  • Wéi gesond sinn gedréchent Friichten wierklech?

    Wéi gesond sinn gedréchent Friichten wierklech?

    Whether dates, raisins, or apples – dried fruit is considered the alternative to chocolate and Co. But is dried fruit really as healthy as we think? We take a closer look at the dried fruits. How are dried fruits made? The idea of drying fruit originally came from the Middle East. Perishable fruit can simply…

  • Den Hype iwwer 'Skinny Fat' - Ass et nach ëmmer méiglech?

    Den Hype iwwer 'Skinny Fat' - Ass et nach ëmmer méiglech?

    Skinny Fat – you can find out here why thin people are also referred to as “fat” and what is behind the phenomenon. Admittedly – when it comes to our own figure, we can be pretty merciless: the stomach is too fat and the buttocks are too big. The legs could be a little slimmer…

  • Dës Parsnip Zopp rett Ären Dag: De Quick Rezept

    Dës Parsnip Zopp rett Ären Dag: De Quick Rezept

    Once a staple food, now almost forgotten: parsnips have a very special taste. Where does the fine aroma come out best? In a classic parsnip soup – and we’ll show you the right recipe! What the potato is today, the parsnip was once. The white root vegetable was an integral part of German cuisine for…