
Lemon – Far More Than A Vitamin C Supplier

Lemons provide plenty of vitamin C and antioxidants, are antibacterial, and promote the elimination of toxins. And sour juice has a primary effect on the body – this makes it difficult for pathogens to survive.

Lemon: Application and medicinal properties

Lemon essential oil is said to have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and diuretic properties. Primarily, however, the lemon serves as a vitamin C supplier. More rarely, it is used for loss of appetite and indigestion. It is sometimes used externally as a skin irritant.

Active ingredients contained in lemon

Essential oil, flavonoids, carotenoids, citric acid


The lemon is the fruit of the lemon tree. The well-known fruit is yellow, ovoid to spherical in shape, and often has a teat-like appendage on its tips. Their pulp is very acidic and contains many small seeds. The lemon tree is a shrub or small tree whose leaves are initially red, later light green and sometimes have thorns. They are tapered and have a sawn edge. The fivefold flowers are solitary or in small racemes, and are white on the inside and red on the outside.


The region of origin of the lemon is probably the Indian subcontinent. In addition, it is now grown in southern Italy and France, Sicily, the Iberian Peninsula, Turkey, and Israel, as well as in southern Russia, and parts of the USA, as well as Latin America. Lemon trees need a warm, humid climate and are sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

Other names for lemon

Citrus tree, aroma, citrus family

Interesting facts about the lemon

The species name Limon, from which the German Limone and lemonade are borrowed, comes from the Arabic word for lemon (lemon). The lemon is often used in the kitchen thanks to its sour aroma. Their pleasantly fresh scent makes them a popular ingredient in many perfumes.

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Written by Crystal Nelson

I am a professional chef by trade and a writer at night! I have a bachelors degree in Baking and Pastry Arts and have completed many freelance writing classes as well. I specialized in recipe writing and development as well as recipe and restaurant blogging.

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