
Киш од аспарагус: два вкусни рецепти за пролет

If you fancy a particularly tasty asparagus dish, you can try an asparagus quiche. In this kitchen tip, we present two recipes for you.

Asparagus quiche with tomatoes – a simple recipe

You can prepare asparagus in different ways. A particularly delicious variant is a quiche.

  • Quiche base: 250 g flour, 100 g butter, an egg, and a pinch of salt.
  • Topping: Two large tomatoes, 125 g mozzarella, some fresh basil, and 500 g asparagus. You can use green or white asparagus for the dish, or mix both varieties.
  • Icing for the quiche: 125 ml milk 50 g cream, two eggs, a tablespoon of crème fraîche, and 50 g parmesan, salt, pepper, and nutmeg.
  • Knead the ingredients for the dough into an even shortcrust pastry and let it rest in the fridge for an hour.
  • In the meantime, wash and peel the asparagus and cut them into 3 cm long pieces. Then blanch it in boiling water for three to four minutes.
  • Then place the tomatoes in the boiling water for 20 to 30 seconds. Skin the tomatoes and cut them into small cubes. Cut the mozzarella into small cubes and finely chop the basil.
  • Now roll out the shortcrust pastry and line the greased quiche dish with it. Prick the base a few times with a fork and bake the dough in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about ten minutes.
  • Cover the dough with the asparagus pieces, the mozzarella and tomato cubes, and the basil.
  • Mix the ingredients for the icing together with a hand blender. Season the mixture with salt, pepper, and nutmeg. When the mixture is nice and even, spread it over the quiche.
  • The quiche now needs about 45 minutes in the 180-degree oven until it is ready. To avoid burning, cover the quiche with aluminum foil for the first half hour.

Springy asparagus quiche with olives

Our second recipe is a little heartier.

  1. Quiche base: 250 g flour, 100 g butter, an egg, and a pinch of salt.
  2. Topping: 400 grams of green asparagus, half a bunch of wild garlic, 10 dried tomatoes, 20 black olives, and 120 g of diced bacon or raw ham.
  3. Icing for the quiche: 120 ml milk, 3 eggs, 4 tablespoons sour cream and 150 g grated goat’s cream cheese, and some pepper.
  4. First, make the shortcrust pastry and put it in the fridge for an hour. Then roll it out. Press it into the form and pre-bake it for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
  5. Peel the green asparagus, cut the washed tomatoes into strips and halve the olives. Cover the still-hot dough with these ingredients and the ham.
  6. Whip the sour cream, milk, and eggs, and add the chopped wild garlic. Spread this glaze over the quiche and sprinkle the grated goat cheese over it.
  7. The asparagus dish now needs about 40 minutes in the oven preheated to 180 degrees until it is ready.
  8. With this variant, you should also cover the quiche with aluminum foil for the first half hour.
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