
Сладолед со лимон

5 од 6 гласови
Се разбира Вечера
кујна Европската
Сервиси 1 луѓе


  • 90 g Жолчка
  • 225 g Шеќер
  • 1 изклинвам Сол
  • 375 ml Полномасно млеко
  • 300 ml Крем
  • 150 ml Свежо исцеден сок од лимон


  • Beat the egg yolks, sugar and salt in a bowl until whitish and frothy. Put milk and cream in a saucepan and heat to 40 ° (thermometer recommended or finger test = lukewarm). Then stir immediately into the egg mixture, pour it back into the pot and heat it again to 80 °. It mustn't boil. Remove from heat, let cool and only then stir in the lemon juice.
  • When using an ice cream maker, process the mixture into ice in 2 servings according to the operating instructions.
  • Without an ice cream maker, put the mixture in a larger but flat bowl or bowl and place it in the freezer. When a solid layer has formed on the wall of the bowl (this can take 30-40 minutes at a time), stir it into the still liquid mass with the help of a trowel. Then put the bowl back in the freezer. You have to repeat this process as long and as often as necessary until the ice cream has reached its creamy consistency.
  • The number of people mentioned above refers to an amount of ice of approx. 1100 ml of finished ice.
  • Well then ........... just enjoy delicious ...... ;-))
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Професионален готвач со 25 годишно искуство во индустријата на највисоко ниво. Сопственик на ресторан. Директор за пијалоци со искуство во креирање на национално признати програми за коктели од светска класа. Писател на храна со карактеристичен глас и гледна точка воден од готвачот.

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