
Намаз од Physalis и брусница

5 од 9 гласови
Вкупно време 30 минути
Се разбира Вечера
кујна Европската
Сервиси 4 луѓе
Калории 305 kcal


  • 200 g Physalis
  • 10 Портокали
  • 100 g Сушени брусница
  • 500 g Зачувување на шеќер 2:1
  • 1 изклинвам Starвезда анасон
  • 1 изклинвам Кинамон
  • 1 tbsp Рендана органска кора од портокал


  • Squeeze the oranges and heat them with the released physalis and the spices at 900 watts for 4 minutes. Then puree everything thoroughly and pass through a sieve.
  • Roughly chop the cranberries and add to the physalis mixture. Now weigh everything and, if necessary, fill up with a little water until you reach a weight of 1 kg. Stir in the preserving sugar.
  • Pour into a sufficiently large microwave container (the mass likes to foam over the edge). Then heat at 360 watts for 3 minutes and then stir thoroughly until the sugar has dissolved. Now heat again for 6 minutes at 600 watts, while watching when the fruit mixture boils up, switch off the microwave. Finally stir thoroughly again.
  • Fill the hot fruit mixture into prepared jam jars (cleaned thoroughly and rinsed with boiling water). Wipe the edge and screw on a twistoff lid. Place on the lid for 5 minutes, then turn over and let cool.


  • If you are not sure that the fruit mass has been heated long enough, you should do a jelly test. Put some spread on a cold plate, if the spread becomes firm everything is fine. Otherwise just heat everything a little more.


Сервирање: 100gКалории: 305kcalЈаглехидрати: 72.5gПротеин: 1.2gМаст: 0.5g
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