
Парфе со мед од рузмарин со москато

5 од 6 гласови
Вкупно време 30 минути
Се разбира Вечера
кујна Европската
Сервиси 5 луѓе
Калории 307 kcal


  • 18 Rosemary sprigs, fresh
  • 400 g Шумски мед
  • 500 ml Крем
  • 4 Компјутер Жолчка
  • 2 Компјутер Јајца
  • 20 g Шеќер во ред
  • 1 Облик на кутија
  • 1 Cathedral) cookie cutter large
  • Проѕирна фолија


  • Line the loaf pan with cling film. (The foil should protrude far enough that you can beat it over the parfait mass.) Wash rosemary and spin dry. Then put 8 sprigs of rosemary with 150g honey in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Take the pot off the stove and let it steep. Beat the cream with the electric whisk until creamy and flowing. Then beat the egg yolks, eggs and sugar in a bowl over the hot water bath with a hand whisk until the mixture thickens. Remove the bowl from the water bath and place on the ice packs. Keep beating the contents until they cool. Then pour the rosemary honey from the pot through a fine sieve into the egg mixture and carefully fold it in with a spatula or a slotted spoon. Carefully fold in the whipped cream and pour the parfait mixture into the prepared mold. Then smooth the surface of the cling film over the mass and place the mold in the freezer for at least 4 hours. Then bring the remaining sprigs of rosemary and honey to a boil in a small saucepan and set aside. Take the parfait out of the chest about 15 minutes before serving and let it thaw slightly. Turn the parfait out of the mold and remove the cling film. Cut into 4cm thick slices and cut out (in the shape of a dome). Then distribute on the plates. Pour a little warm, liquid honey over each parfait (cathedral) piece and garnish with sprigs of rosemary. (Tip: The parfait can be stored frozen for up to 2 weeks)


Сервирање: 100gКалории: 307kcalЈаглехидрати: 36.6gПротеин: 1.4gМаст: 17.2g
Фотографија на аватар

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