
More Protein, Iron and Vitamin C: What Foods to Eat for Luxurious Hair

You need to limit your coffee and tea consumption because a large amount of such drinks interferes with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Nutrition directly affects the condition of the hair. You can make it thicker, and shinier, and prevent hair loss by improving your diet.

Anita Lutsenko, an athlete and celebrity weight loss coach, shared what foods to eat to improve hair condition on her Instagram page. She notes that the diet should contain a sufficient amount of protein, iron, vitamin C, and healthy fats.

According to Anita Lutsenko, in order to keep your hair “in place,” not falling out, and shiny, you need to consume

  • a sufficient amount of protein (meat, fish, eggs, chicken, turkey, cheese, seafood)
  • red meat 1-2 times a week is an ideal source of iron,
  • vitamin C for better iron absorption (peppers, broccoli, citrus fruits, kiwi, greens, cabbage),
  • healthy fats in the diet (butter, sour cream, nuts, seeds, avocados).

In order for the body to receive the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals, the diet should be varied, Lutsenko emphasized.

She also noted that it is worth limiting the amount of coffee and tea you drink daily. “You should not drink 10 cups of tea and coffee a day. This interferes with the absorption of vitamins and minerals,” she wrote.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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