
Mortal Danger: Expert Reveals Which Bread Should Never be Eaten

Bread is often infected with a bacterial infection called potato blight, Ihor Lavreshyn emphasized.

Bread infected with mold is not suitable for consumption, said bread sommelier Igor Lavreshin.

As he emphasized, in summer, due to the high temperature and humidity, many people face problems with bacterial infections.

“If there is mold on the bread, in no case should such bread be eaten, because if it has already appeared, it already indicates that a deep infection with mold spores has already occurred in the bread. It should never be cut off. Such bread should not be eaten,” the expert says.

He explained that dark bread often becomes infected with a bacterial infection called potato disease inside: “If you smell a minimal unpleasant odor and the bread is sticky inside, you should never eat such bread either.”

The interviewee also praised the quality of the long-storage pita bread that has appeared on store shelves.

According to him, long-term storage pita bread is a cheap product because it contains a large number of oils.

“The most important thing is the large number of stabilizers that prevent this bread from spoiling. I cannot say that it is dangerous, because if this bread was produced and imported into Ukraine, it meets certain GOSTs and technical conditions. But I would not say that this bread is healthy. If you want to buy good lavash, buy regular lavash without adding these mufflers. Such a product can be stored for three days – no more. Bread can be stored for up to 5 days,” added Lavreshyn.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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