
Te tal-Frott tal-Ħarifa

5 minn 4 voti
Cook Time 5 sigħat
Ħin totali 5 sigħat
Kors pranzu
Cuisine Ewropea
Inbejjed 1 nies


Autumn fruit tea

  • Pear peels (* autumnal jam)
  • Apple pods (* autumnal jam)
  • 1 Pear
  • 1 Ġonna tal-frott
  • 6 Għanbaqar


  • 1 Stikka tal-kannella
  • 0,5 Vanilla pod + polpa
  • 1 pair Imżiewed tal-kardamomu
  • 1 pair Honey cabbage leaves
  • 3 Anisi stilla


Pear & meadow apple

  • From the recipe, here is the * link: Autumnal jam I dried the peel of both types of fruit in the oven on the same day, because it was too bad to throw them away.
  • I had one more pear & one orchard left and I sliced ​​them with their skin on. Halve the few plums, remove the core and cut again. I then put everything together again in the oven to dry it too.
  • Set the oven to 70 ° degrees air circulation and let it dry for 4 -5 hours. Then cut everything into pieces. Take a glass jar and add everything that is dried. Break the cinnamon stick several times and add it, as well as the other spices. Slice open the vanilla pod, add the pulp and chop up the pod.

Preparation of the "autumn fruit tea":

  • Put one tablespoon of the "autumn fruit tea" in a tea filter, hang it in a cup and brew with boiling water. Then let it steep for five minutes. The longer you let it steep, the more intense the aroma becomes. And you can give the dried fruit and even eat it 🙂
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Written by Crystal Nelson

Jien chef professjonali bis-sengħa u kittieb bil-lejl! Għandi grad ta' baċellerat fl-Arti tal-Ħami u l-Għaġina u lestejt ħafna klassijiet ta' kitba freelance wkoll. Ispeċjalizzajt fil-kitba u l-iżvilupp tar-riċetti kif ukoll fil-blogging tar-riċetti u tar-ristoranti.

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