
Blueberries - Superfood b'saħħtu u nutrittiv

Interesting facts about blueberries

In the following you will find out what differences there are between cultivated and forest blueberries and when they are available seasonally.

Is there a difference between blueberries?

What many people don’t know: Cultivated blueberries and wild blueberries are very different from each other: the commonly used names bilberry and blueberry are synonyms for both wild blueberries and cultivated blueberries .

The blueberries that we buy in the supermarket are almost always so-called cultivated blueberries . They are not derived from the native forest blueberry, but from breeds in the USA and Canada.

Cultivated blueberries grow on bushes two meters high. These blueberries are significantly larger than forest blueberries, have light, firm flesh and taste sweeter and milder. Because their skin is slightly thicker, cultivated blueberries have a slightly longer shelf life.

Wild forest blueberries

The forest blueberries, another type of blueberry, grow throughout Europe in sparse coniferous forests, raised bogs and heaths. Its bushes are about 50 cm high, the fruits of the forest blueberry are about the size of peas. Since their aromatic flesh and skin are intensely blue due to the natural plant pigment anthocyanin, eating the blueberries discolors your tongue and teeth.

Forest blueberries are healthier than cultivated blueberries because they contain more anthocyanins. When it comes to minerals and vitamins, there are hardly any major differences. If you want to collect forest blueberries yourself, you should heat the blueberries to 70 degrees before eating them, as wild blueberries could be contaminated with the fox tapeworm.

Season of blueberries

The blueberry harvest runs from July to early September . Blueberries are only harvested when they are ripe. Here, too, the cultivated blueberry harvest differs from the wild variety: the cultivated blueberry ripens over weeks and must therefore be harvested several times.

Wild Blueberries ripen at the same time and can be harvested all together. The so-called blueberry comb (see picture) is often used here.

In the winter months, blueberries are imported and come e.g. from Peru or Chile. If you want to avoid long transport routes, you can fall back on frozen forest blueberries all year round . They are frozen immediately after harvest and still have a good vitamin content.

There are also blueberries in dried form , for example as blueberry tea, on the market. Due to their high content of tanning agents, these help e.g. also with diarrhea.

How healthy are blueberries really?

Here you can find out which ingredients the small berries score with.

Nutrition facts and calories of blueberries

It is best to reach for the local superfood every day: blueberries are low in calories and very rich in valuable ingredients. Because they are also low in sugar, blueberries are often used in weight loss recipes. Blueberries score with many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

100 g Fresh blueberries contain:

  • Calories (kcal): 46
  • Fat (g): 1
  • Carbohydrates (g) : 6
  • Fibra (g): 4.9


  • Potassium (mg) : 80
  • Kalċju (mg): 10
  • Magnesium (mg): 2
  • Ħadid (mg): 0.7
  • Zinc (mg): 0.1


  • ß-carotene ( mg ) : 35
  • Vitamina E (mg): 2.1
  • Vitamin B1 (mg): 0.02
  • Vitamin B2 (mg): 0.02
  • Vitamin B6 (mg): 0.06
  • Vitamina Ċ (mg): 20

Effect of blueberries – these ingredients make them so healthy

  • Anthocyanins: The blue color of blueberries comes from the plant pigment anthocyanin. It is one of the so-called secondary plant substances and has positive effects on the body: its antioxidant effect helps to prevent oxidative stress in the body. That means it scavenges free radicals. Anthocyanins can B reduce the risk of cancer, protect cells and can slow down the aging process in the body. Anthocyanins also improve memory performance. Anthocyanins are also said to have a good effect on fat metabolism ; they should have a positive effect on the cholesterol level and the composition of fatty acids in the blood. Anthocyanins can help prevent strokes or heart attacks.
  • Dietary fibers and tannins: The indigestible parts of the plant in blueberries have a positive effect on the health of the stomach and intestines and can help with minor  digestive problems. The tannins in blueberries have an antibacterial effect and can reduce diarrhea pathogens. Fresh blueberries tend to have a laxative effect here, while dried blueberries counteract mild diarrhea. In addition, the tannins in blueberries are slightly anti-inflammatory help with small inflammations in the mouth.
  • Vitamin C and E in blueberries: Blueberries contain a good portion of both vitamins. They belong to the antioxidants that work against oxidative stress and protect the cells. Vitamin C also boosts collagen production, which is good for the skin. Vitamin C and E in blueberries can also help strengthen the immune system.

So many blueberries a day is recommended

As healthy as blueberries are, you should not eat too many: 75-100 g of blueberries a day are recommended. Excessive consumption of fresh blueberries can have a laxative effect.

It should also be noted that blueberries contain salicylic acid . This substance is also found in aspirin and has a blood-thinning effect. So be careful when taking medication that B. also contain salicylic acid. Also, some people are allergic to salicylic acid, which can cause headaches and skin rashes.

5 tips for buying and storing blueberries

  • Particularly aromatic: It is best to buy blueberries when they are in season here, i.e. between July and September . Then blueberries have not had long transport routes behind them and are particularly aromatic.
  • Watch out for mould: You should pay attention to plump, undamaged blueberries, because the sensitive fruits mold quickly.
  • It is best to eat them straight away: blueberries have the best flavor when they are eaten straight away. To do this, immerse the blueberries in standing tap water and wash briefly, then drain well.
  • Storage in the fridge: Blueberries can be stored in the fridge for about a week .
  • Freeze or dehydrate: Blueberries are very good for freezing, then they keep for 12 months . If you have a dehydrator, you can also dry the blueberries. The dried blueberries taste great in recipes such as muesli or cakes, but are also a healthy snack.

Frequently asked questions about blueberries

Kemm hemm kaloriji fil-blueberries?

Blueberries are low in calories: they only have 46 calories per 100 g and are a wonderful healthy snack to lose weight. Blueberries are full of vitamins, minerals and valuable plant substances.

How Many Blueberries Should You Eat Per Day?

Blueberries have mostly positive effects on the body. But how many blueberries are healthy? Despite everything, one should not eat too many blueberries a day: A quantity of 75-100 g of blueberries a day is recommended, since larger quantities could have a laxative effect or headaches and skin rashes could occur in people with a salicylic acid intolerance .

What vitamins do blueberries have?

Blueberries are particularly rich in cell-protecting vitamins C and E.

How many carbs are in blueberries?

Blueberries are one of the lower-carbohydrate fruits. Blueberries only have about 6 g of carbohydrates per 100 g. In comparison:

Carbohydrate-rich fruits such as bananas have about 21 g of carbohydrates. Thus, blueberries are very well suited e.g. on a low-carb diet.

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Written by Kelly Turner

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