
Tindif Klamari Frisk

Are you afraid to buy fresh squid because you are not sure how to process it? In fact, it’s very simple. In these instructions and the accompanying video, we explain how to clean fresh squid.

Ten-armed delicacy

Did you know that black ink is edible? This is often used to color side dishes, such as rice or noodles. Squid count as a delicacy and you can differentiate them into octopus, squid or calamari and cuttlefish. These many-armed sea creatures are loved precisely because of their tender flesh. For 100 grams of squid, they weigh just under 85 calories and just 1.1 grams of fat. Precisely because of their rich nutrients, squid is eaten mainly in the Mediterranean and Asia. You will find a lot of biotin and selenium in them, which are essential and have a positive effect on your metabolism.

Tip: the smaller the squid, the more tender their meat.

Squid cleaning made easy

Don’t be put off by gutting and cleaning a squid. It’s very easy: with these steps, you can do it safely and quickly.

  1. Loosen the head from the tube and pull it out
  2. Cut off head behind eyes
  3. Disposal of the innards and eyes
  4. Squeeze tooth out of tentacles
  5. Solution of the backbone from the tube
  6. Remove skin from the torso
  7. Thoroughly rinse inside/outside and tentacles with cold water
  8. Pat xott

Note: To get a good quality fresh squid, simply visit a fishmonger. He will also be able to give you good advice.

Possible preparation methods

There are different preparation options. To make the meat nice and tender, you can either boil, grill, or sear it. Squid tastes particularly delicious if you fry it in oil for 2-3 minutes in a pan together with some garlic and chili, then deglaze with some stock or white wine. Then simply pour your desired sauce over it, let it simmer until the meat is done, and refine it with fresh herbs. You can serve squid with lemon, baguette, and lovely white wine.

Is my squid fresh?

To find out whether your squid is edible, you should pay attention to the following characteristics when buying and processing it:

  • The skin should be free of blemishes
  • Odorless to minimal fish odor
  • shiny skin

Note: Squid will keep in the fridge for 1 to 2 days.

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Written by John Myers

Chef Professjonali b'25 sena esperjenza fl-industrija fl-ogħla livelli. Sid tar-ristorant. Direttur tax-Xorb b'esperjenza fil-ħolqien ta' programmi ta' cocktails ta' klassi dinjija rikonoxxuti nazzjonalment. Kittieb tal-ikel b'vuċi u perspettiva distintivi mmexxija minn Chef.

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