
Ħames Ikel biex Tissaħħaħ is-Sistema immuni

Vitamin A is also needed to strengthen the immune system. Nutritionist and Ph.D. in Biology Oleksandr Miroshnikov spoke about the five most useful foods for the immune system.

The expert mentioned foods containing vitamin C. They are involved in the production of interferon and immune cells. According to the doctor, black currant is the best summer food, as 100 grams of this berry contains 22 percent of the daily value of the vitamin.

To strengthen the immune system, you also need vitamin A, which is rich in basil. This vitamin is also involved in the process of creating immune cells.

Miroshnikov recommended eating three to four sprigs of basil a day. Along with him, the nutritionist advised eating lettuce containing vitamin B, which helps fight stress.

In addition, the doctor spoke about the importance of dill. The phytoncides it contains have antimicrobial properties.

We shouldn’t forget about shrimp, which are rich in protein, and involved in the creation of immune bodies. The doctor suggested cooking them with dried dill to enhance their beneficial properties.

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Written by Emma Miller

Jiena nutrizzjonista dietista reġistrat u għandi prattika privata tan-nutrizzjoni, fejn nipprovdi pariri nutrizzjonali one-on-one lill-pazjenti. Nispeċjalizza fil-prevenzjoni/ġestjoni tal-mard kroniku, nutrizzjoni vegan/veġetarjana, nutrizzjoni ta’ qabel it-twelid/wara t-twelid, taħriġ fil-benessri, terapija tan-nutrizzjoni medika, u ġestjoni tal-piż.

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