
Żejt taż-Żerriegħa tal-Għeneb Għal Dixxijiet Fini U Bħala Prodott tas-Sbuħija

A quality grapeseed oil is expensive, but it can be a worthwhile investment. Because the oil is a true delicacy and can have a beneficial effect both internally and externally.

For kitchen and cosmetics: grapeseed oil

There are many myths surrounding the effect of grape seed oil on health, ranging from the fountain of youth to the elixir of beauty. But in principle, the cooking oil can be an enrichment in the kitchen and for the beauty routine. It scores with a high content of vitamins E and K. Gourmets appreciate the nutty, slightly raisin-like aroma, which is particularly effective in cold-pressed products. In this form, the oil obtained from the seeds of grapes is ideal for dressing salads. You should not heat it, it is better to use special grapeseed oil for frying. It is refined and has a high smoke point. You can also use grape seed oil as a cosmetic.

Grapeseed oil for the skin: care products from nature

You can take care of your face with grape seed oil or your hair: there are many options for external use. For daily facial care, for example, it is enough to gently massage a few drops of oil into the skin. If you have sensitive skin, try it on an inconspicuous area first to see if you can tolerate grapeseed oil and if it doesn’t possibly cause a rash. In this case, it is better to use an alternative. You can find tips on natural oils in our beauty guide. If good tolerability is guaranteed, nothing stands in the way of using grape seed oil. You can use it to make a face mask yourself or a peeling. For the latter, simply mix three tablespoons of oil with two teaspoons of sugar. Grapeseed oil can help with impure skin. The same applies here: just try it out!

Grapeseed oil for hair: more shine

To care for the hair with the high-quality oil, depending on the length, spread two to six tablespoons in the hair, starting from the tips. Ideally, you should heat the grapeseed oil a little, but not too much – otherwise valuable ingredients may be lost. Cover your hair and leave the treatment on for about a quarter of an hour. Then rinse thoroughly, done. A beautiful shine is the result of this application. Whether for skin or hair, grape seed oil is quickly absorbed and leaves a pleasantly soft feeling. Give it a try!

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Written by John Myers

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