
Jekk Għandek Defiċjenza tal-Ħadid, Oqgħod attent bil-Kafè

Jekk għandek defiċjenza ta' ħadid jew it-tendenza li jkollok livelli baxxi ta' ħadid, hemm ftit affarijiet li għandek tagħti attenzjoni għalihom meta tixrob il-kafè. Inkella, il-kafè jinibixxi l-assorbiment tal-ħadid mill-imsaren u b'hekk iżid id-defiċjenza tal-ħadid tiegħek.

Anke kikkra kafè jinibixxi l-assorbiment tal-ħadid

Iron deficiency is common, especially in women. The most common symptoms are tiredness and paleness and increased susceptibility to infections. Because little iron leads to a lack of oxygen in the blood, which then naturally drains energy, making you feel weak and unproductive.

Defiċjenza tal-ħadid tista 'wkoll tagħmel ħsara lis-sistema limfatika (komponent importanti tas-sistema immuni) u tnaqqas il-funzjonijiet ta' xi ċelluli immuni. B'dan il-mod, ftit wisq ħadid jista 'jwassal għal sistema immuni mdgħajfa u infezzjonijiet frekwenti.

If you already have an iron deficiency or tend to have low iron levels, then you should be cautious about drinking coffee and tea. According to an older study from 1983, just one cup of coffee reduces the iron absorption from a hamburger by almost 40 percent. However, tea (black and green tea) is not better, on the contrary. Tea reduces iron absorption by 64 percent.

Substances in green tea bind to iron and make it ineffective

We previously featured a 2016 study in our article Green Tea and Iron: A Bad Combination that found that green tea and iron cancel each other out. So if you drink green tea with or after a meal, neither the polyphenols in green tea, which are so valuable for health nor the iron can have an effect, because both form an insoluble bond and are excreted unused with the stool.

In the above study from 1983, the following was found with regard to coffee: With filter coffee, iron absorption was reduced from 5.88 percent (without coffee) to 1.64 percent, with instant coffee even to 0.97 percent. Doubling the amount of instant powder reduced absorption to 0.53 percent.

Il-ħin it-tajjeb għal kikkra kafè

If the coffee was drunk an hour before a meal, there was no reduction in iron absorption. However, if coffee is drunk an hour after a meal, it reduces iron absorption just as much as if it were drunk directly with the meal.

Il-kafè jbaxxi l-livelli tal-ferritin filwaqt li t-tè aħdar le

A 2018 study revealed something interesting: If you looked at the effects of coffee and green tea consumption on ferritin levels (ferritin = iron storage), it was found that men who drank less than one cup of coffee per day had a serum ferritin level of 100.7 ng/ml. If they drank more than three cups of coffee, the level was only 92.2 ng/ml.

In women, the ferritin level was 35.6 ng/ml when the women drank little coffee. If they drank more than three cups a day, the value was only 28.9 ng/ml.

No comparable correlation could be seen with green tea. Apparently, this had no effect on the stored iron value, not even if you drank a lot of it. However, the participants may also have been careful not to drink the tea with meals.

Il-kafè jista 'jżid id-defiċjenza tal-ħadid waqt it-tqala

Iron deficiency during pregnancy can have disadvantages for mother and child, e.g. B. leads to premature or delayed birth, postnatal bleeding, growth disorders in the embryo, low birth weight, or an increased risk of death in the child. For the mother, it’s fatigue, a weakened immune system, and an increased risk of disease.

Il-kafè għalhekk għandu jiġi evitat, speċjalment waqt it-tqala, peress li jista 'wkoll jikkontribwixxi għal defiċjenza ta' ħadid, li hija diġà komuni xorta waħda.

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Written by Tracy Norris

Jisimni Tracy u jien superstar tal-midja tal-ikel, li nispeċjalizza fl-iżvilupp, l-editjar u l-kitba tal-ikel freelance tar-riċetti. Fil-karriera tiegħi, ġejt tidher fuq bosta blogs tal-ikel, bnejt pjanijiet ta’ ikel personalizzati għal familji bieżla, editjejt blogs tal-ikel/kotba tat-tisjir, u żviluppajt riċetti multikulturali għal ħafna kumpaniji tal-ikel ta’ fama. Il-ħolqien ta' riċetti li huma 100% oriġinali hija l-parti favorita tiegħi tax-xogħol tiegħi.

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