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You can lose weight while you sleep if you follow the rules. Losing weight at night works if you follow diet tips and get enough sleep. Read how to successfully lose weight while you sleep.

Lose weight while you sleep: the fat melts away at night

Ignore reports about diets and concentrate on the weight loss tips that really work. Getting slim while you sleep can be achieved if you understand the slim-your-sleep theory and apply the following diet and exercise strategies. We have summarized the most important things for you in advance:

  1. As an organ, the pancreas plays an important role in losing weight, as it is significantly involved in the metabolic processes in the body. We explain how everything is connected.
  2. Lose weight quickly with a healthy diet and exercise. It is not only important what you eat, but also when you eat.
  3. Losing weight while you sleep only works if you get enough sleep. The body needs enough time to replenish resources and be able to provide services the following day.

Why Slimming Works While You Sleep: Explanation of a Theory

We provide our body with energy at different times of the day so that we can perform the work required. Mostly in the form of carbohydrates (cereals, fruit, potatoes, rice). These are converted into glucose in the body, which then floats around in the blood. Humans need the hormone insulin to absorb glucose in the muscle, fat, and liver cells. This is produced in the pancreas and released when the level of glucose in the blood rises.

  • During these processes, insulin shows good and bad properties, which are released about 1 to 2 hours after eating carbohydrate-rich or sweet food.
  • The good thing is that insulin unlocks the cells like a kind of key and lets the glucose slip in so that it can be processed there.
  • This has a positive effect on the muscle and fat cells, so that energy can be made available to the body.
  • In the liver cells, insulin ensures that glucose is stored in the form of glycogen for bad times. This is very good for periods without food, as we do not get hypoglycemia.
  • Unfortunately, insulin can also ensure that body fat is built up and the fat remains in its fat deposits.

If carbohydrates are eaten later in the evening, the glucose level rises up to two hours later. As a result, the pancreas releases insulin at an even later hour. However, since there is no more movement or other activities that could use up energy, insulin ensures that body fat is built up and fat is stored.

  • Conversely, this means that you should only eat carbohydrate-rich food until the afternoon and prefer fish, lean meat, vegetables, or cheese in the evening.
  • Thus, the released insulin can fulfill its function in the afternoon and early evening but is prescribed a rest period before going to bed.
  • Insulin production is therefore at a standstill during the night, since the blood sugar level is no longer increased.
  • The body automatically falls back on its fat deposits and removes the fat from them for the little energy that people only need while sleeping.
  • Consequence: No carbohydrates in the evening means that no insulin is released and the body has to start breaking down fat. So we lose weight while we sleep!
  • The whole thing can be increased by a conscious nutrition plan and targeted exercise.
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Written by John Myers

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