
Agħmel Żejt tal-Lumi lilek innifsek

Making lemon oil yourself is not only extremely easy, you can also use the popular oil in many different ways. By the way, you save money in the production of the lemon oil. The time required for the DIY action is minimal. This article tells you what to look out for.

Make lemon oil yourself: How to prepare yourself

You don’t need a lot of ingredients or a lot of time to make your own lemon oil. Such an oil is ready in a flash. All you have to do is wait a little longer until your lemon oil has “ripened” and you can use it.

  • You need exactly two ingredients to make the lemon oil: organic lemons and a type of oil of your choice. Most often, a good olive oil is used for the lemon oil. Alternatively, grapeseed oil, for example, is just as suitable as a carrier oil for the homemade lemon oil as sweet almond oil or rapeseed oil.
  • You should be choosy not only when choosing the oil, but also with the organic lemons. In the production of lemon oil, the lemon peel is crucial.
  • In addition to the two ingredients mentioned above, to make the aromatic lemon oil yourself you also need a jam or preserving jar and an amber glass jar, which you can get in any pharmacy. Use bottles with pipettes, prevent excess bacteria or germs from getting into the lemon oil.
  • You will also need a funnel to transfer the liquid. Finally, you need a lemon scraper or a narrow, sharp kitchen knife or an asparagus peeler and possibly a small sieve.

Make lemon oil yourself – That’s why it’s worth it

Gathering the supplies will probably take you more time than making the lemon oil yourself.

  • After you have rinsed the organic lemon well under running water, briefly dry the peel. For 100 milliliters of oil use the peel of a lemon, which you carefully cut off with the lemon scraper. Ultimately, however, the number of lemons depends on the size of the fruit and your taste.
  • When removing the lemon zest, be careful not to scrape off the white layer. It has a very unpleasant, bitter taste.
  • As soon as the organic lemons are peeled, the selected household oil and the peel of the organic lemons go into the preserving or jam jar. Finally, you need to give the whole thing a good shake and put it in a warm, sunny spot, such as the kitchen window sill.
  • You should make sure that you place the glass with your homemade lemon oil in such a way that you don’t forget it. You need to give it a good shake at least once a day. After about two to three weeks, the lemon oil is ready to use.
  • The shelf life of the lemon oil depends, among other things, on whether you then fish out the lemon peels with a sieve or pour them into brown bottles. If you leave the peels in the lemon oil, it will keep for about five to six weeks. Otherwise, the lemon oil will keep for about six months if you put it in a dark, cool place.
  • Since the effort involved in producing a lemon oil is so low, it is worth producing smaller quantities on a regular basis. In this way you always have a delicious and above all healthy lemon oil in stock.
  • If you would like to create slightly different taste nuances, refine the lemon oil with the peel of other organic citrus fruits, such as limes or apples.
  • You can use the homemade lemon oil for baking as well as for cooking or for a dessert and salads. A few drops of lemon oil in tea or in a glass of lemon water should also have a health-promoting effect. For example, lemon oil should B. help with stomach problems as well as with inflammation or sleep problems.
  • Pour your lemon oil into a decorative bottle. So you have a pretty souvenir that you can hardly go wrong with. Almost everyone likes the fresh smell and taste of lemons.
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Written by John Myers

Chef Professjonali b'25 sena esperjenza fl-industrija fl-ogħla livelli. Sid tar-ristorant. Direttur tax-Xorb b'esperjenza fil-ħolqien ta' programmi ta' cocktails ta' klassi dinjija rikonoxxuti nazzjonalment. Kittieb tal-ikel b'vuċi u perspettiva distintivi mmexxija minn Chef.

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