
Mint - Ħxejjex Kulinari Aġġornanti

Mint comes with bright green leaves and a wonderfully refreshing aroma. It belongs to the mint family and comes in more than 20 different varieties – the most well-known being peppermint. You can recognize them by the strongly fragrant leaves with serrated edges.


The healthy medicinal herb has inspired people for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians already placed fresh mint bushes in the graves of the deceased. Today, the most important growing areas are in the USA – but mint is also planted in Asia, South America, Spain and Germany.


Fresh mint is harvested all year round after flowering and is therefore available all year round.


The fine leaves of the mint taste fresh and spicy to slightly burning. Types that contain menthol in particular, such as apple or peppermint, also provide a refreshing cold feeling in the mouth.


Mint is mainly used in oriental cuisine – often combined with garlic and parsley – to flavor yoghurt sauces and meat dishes such as lamb or goat. It is just as common to use it as the main ingredient in a salad, such as our herb saladherb salad. Mint is also often used in the production of chocolate, ice cream or chewing gum. And not to forget: The ever-popular peppermint tea. Both the leaves and the whole shoots can be used fresh or dried for this purpose.


Fresh mint should be stored as cool and moist as possible. Simply place the stalks in a glass of water or wrap them in a damp kitchen towel and store them in the fridge. But the fresh herb is also suitable for freezing. Once the mint has dried, it should be stored in an airtight container so that its aroma does not evaporate.


Properly stored, the cut mint stays fresh for a maximum of 2-3 days.

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Written by John Myers

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