
Nutrittivi u B'saħħithom: X'inhi l-Aħjar Ħaġa li Tiekol għall-Kolazzjoni

A healthy breakfast should meet three basic requirements. It must be nutritious, ideally one that satisfies hunger for 4-6 hours. Usually, this is 30% of the daily calorie intake, according to the Telegram channel Doctor in the Pocket.

Breakfast should contain all the nutrients:

  • proteini
  • xaħam,
  • slow carbohydrates.

It should be quick to prepare or cook in advance.

What you can eat in the morning from carbohydrates:

  • any long-cooked cereals.
  • Whole grain or other healthy bread.
  • Pasta made from durum wheat or whole grain pasta. The calories obtained from them will have time to be spent during the day.
  • Legumes, but after them, it is especially important to drink enough water throughout the day.

What is the best protein to eat in the morning?

It is better to choose protein-fatty foods for breakfast. Nuts, oily fish, hard and cottage cheese, offal, and eggs – all of these also contain a sufficient amount of protein.

Leaner sources of protein are best left for dinner. This applies to lean fish, chicken, and turkey.

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Written by Emma Miller

Jiena nutrizzjonista dietista reġistrat u għandi prattika privata tan-nutrizzjoni, fejn nipprovdi pariri nutrizzjonali one-on-one lill-pazjenti. Nispeċjalizza fil-prevenzjoni/ġestjoni tal-mard kroniku, nutrizzjoni vegan/veġetarjana, nutrizzjoni ta’ qabel it-twelid/wara t-twelid, taħriġ fil-benessri, terapija tan-nutrizzjoni medika, u ġestjoni tal-piż.

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