
Ħafur matul il-lejl: 3 Riċetti Delicious

Overnight Oats: Explanation and basic recipe

The term “overnight oats” means oatmeal that is not cooked. The oat flakes are soaked in a liquid overnight and can be eaten directly the following morning. Due to the long exposure time, these are no longer hard and intensify the aroma. The best part about overnight oats is that you can easily adapt the basic recipe to your own liking while retaining all of the healthy aspects of the oatmeal. Here is the basic recipe:

  • You can choose any size for the oatmeal. So-called jumbo oats or wholegrain oat flakes have established themselves as particularly aromatic and al dente. These absorb a lot of liquid and become less of a mush.
  • When it comes to the liquid, you are spoiled for choice. Cow milk, almond milk, coconut milk, water, soy milk, or yogurt are just a few of the choices. Oat milk is less recommended. That tastes a bit too much like horse feed.
  • Mix one part oatmeal and two parts water in a tall jar with a lid. This is the basic recipe for overnight oats. Since oatmeal can absorb a lot of water, you need more liquid in proportion.
    Close the lid and place the jar in the fridge overnight. The next morning you can eat the oatmeal straight from the jar or a bowl filled.
  • That would be a bit too boring. Other ingredients such as natural sweeteners, fruits, nuts, berries, vegetables, seeds, coconut flakes, spices, and even sweets are added directly to the glass as desired. There is no simpler breakfast.
  • You can also adjust the amount of liquid. The more liquid you use, the softer the oats will be and vice versa.

Delicious overnight oats with honey, apple, and cinnamon

So that you don’t give up on the huge selection of ingredients, we present two more creations in addition to the basic recipe. The following recipe features overnight oats that spread the spirit of Christmas:

  • Ingredients (per glass): 45 g rolled oats, 90 ml milk or yogurt of your choice, 1 small sweet apple, cinnamon, honey (liquid)
  • Wash and core the apple. Cut it into pieces according to your taste.
  • Pour the oatmeal and cinnamon into the jar. Now fill it up with milk or yogurt and stir well.
  • You can decide the amount of honey yourself. In most cases, one teaspoon is enough. Mix well.
  • Put the apples in the glass and sprinkle cinnamon on the pulp, if you like. Close the jar with the lid and place it in the fridge. After getting up you can look forward to a great breakfast.

Overnight oats as a superfood with goji, coconut, and chia

With overnight oats, you can support your training. You can combine the concentrated power and nutrients of oatmeal with other superfoods. The result is a true energy bomb:

  • Ingredients (per glass): 70 g rolled oats, 140 ml liquid, goji berries, cacao nibs or grated dark chocolate, chia seeds, coconut flakes, pomegranate seeds, honey, or maple syrup as needed
  • Simply add all the ingredients to the glass and mix. You can vary the individual ingredients except for the oatmeal and liquid. Just be careful not to add too many dry ingredients to the jar compared to the liquid.
  • Close the jar, put it in the fridge, and enjoy it when you get up. There is no simpler breakfast.
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Written by John Myers

Chef Professjonali b'25 sena esperjenza fl-industrija fl-ogħla livelli. Sid tar-ristorant. Direttur tax-Xorb b'esperjenza fil-ħolqien ta' programmi ta' cocktails ta' klassi dinjija rikonoxxuti nazzjonalment. Kittieb tal-ikel b'vuċi u perspettiva distintivi mmexxija minn Chef.

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