
Ravjul Mimli bil-Ġobon tal-Mogħoż u Lanġas fuq Ħxejjex tal-Bużbież

5 minn 5 voti
Ħin ta 'Prep 1 siegħa 15 minuti
Cook Time 45 minuti
Ħin ta 'Mistrieħ 45 minuti
Ħin totali 2 sigħat 45 minuti
Kors pranzu
Cuisine Ewropea
Inbejjed 5 nies
Kaloriji 250 kcal


Għall-batter tar-ravjoli:

  • 5 pc Bajd
  • 500 g Dqiq
  • 1 sparatura Żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • 1 Tsp Melħ

For the pear reduction:

  • 700 ml Meraq tal-lanġas
  • 1 tbsp Għasel
  • 1 tbsp lamtu
  • 1 pinch Melħ

For the pear chip:

  • 3 pc Lanġas
  • 1 pinch Melħ


  • 120 g Ġobon tal-mogħoż
  • 3 pc Lanġas
  • 3 pc Imsiemer tat-tewm
  • 1 pc Shallot
  • 2 tbsp Pear reduction
  • Bużbież aħdar
  • Sagħtar
  • Melħ
  • Bżar

For the goat cheese cream:

  • 100 g Ġobon tal-mogħoż
  • 50 g Creme Fraiche Ġobon
  • Rosemary

Għall-butir salvja:

  • 200 g Butir
  • 100 ml inbid abjad
  • 5 pc Weraq tas-salvja
  • Melħ
  • Bżar


  • For the dough, mix the eggs, oil and salt together and gradually add the flour so that an elastic dough is formed (can also be less than 500 grams of flour, the dough can still be a bit sticky). Then wrap the dough in some foil and let it rest in the refrigerator until further processing.
  • In parallel, start the pear reduction by reducing a bottle of pear juice to approx. 1/3 and then binding it with the starch dissolved in water. Then salt a little and add honey.
  • For the pear chips, grate the pears into thin slices with a slicer and spread them on a baking sheet, add a little salt and leave to dry in the oven at approx. 180 ° C for 15 minutes.
  • Mix together all the ingredients for the filling of the ravioli.
  • Take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it out thinly in portions on a floured work surface with a rolling pin, turn the dough over and over again and flour if necessary. The dough should be thin enough that you can easily see through it.
  • Halve the rolled-out strip of dough in the middle and distribute the filling evenly on one side of the dough. Lightly water the dough, then place the other side of the dough over the first and press it down so that any air pockets disappear.
  • Use a ravioli cutter to cut the dumplings into squares and store the ravioli in the refrigerator until further processing. Repeat these steps until the batter is used up or the filling is empty.
  • For the goat cheese cream, mix all the ingredients together so that it has a creamy consistency. Put the cream in a piping bag.
  • Make the sage butter shortly before serving by melting the butter, deglazing it with the wine and boiling it with the spices.
  • Slice the fennel thinly so that the structure of the fennel is preserved. Sear the fennel in a little olive oil, season with salt and pepper.
  • Spread the goat cheese cream decoratively on the edge of the plate and place a pear chip on each.
  • Bring the water with salt to a boil and let the prepared ravioli cook for about 3 minutes.
  • Place the fennel on the plate, place three ravioli per plate on top of the fennel, drizzle with sage butter and pear reduction and decorate with a little fennel green.


Notifika: 100gKaloriji: 250kcalKarboidrati: 26.4gProteina: 4.9gXaħam: 13.6g
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Written by John Myers

Chef Professjonali b'25 sena esperjenza fl-industrija fl-ogħla livelli. Sid tar-ristorant. Direttur tax-Xorb b'esperjenza fil-ħolqien ta' programmi ta' cocktails ta' klassi dinjija rikonoxxuti nazzjonalment. Kittieb tal-ikel b'vuċi u perspettiva distintivi mmexxija minn Chef.

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