
Rolls tas-Sajf b'Dip tal-karawett Asjatiku

5 minn 4 voti
Ħin ta 'Prep 25 minuti
Ħin totali 25 minuti
Kors pranzu
Cuisine Ewropea
Inbejjed 4 nies


The summer roles

  • 20 Folji tal-għaġina tar-ross
  • 1 Ħjara
  • 200 g Taljarini tal-ħġieġ
  • 1 mazz Mint
  • 200 g Prawns (cooked)
  • 1 Ħass


  • 4 tbsp Butir tal-karawett / butir
  • 2 tbsp Zalza tas-sojja
  • 1 tbsp Zalza Sriracha
  • 1 Lajm


Ipprepara z-zalza

  • Put the peanut butter, soy sauce, Sriracha sauce and the juice of one lime in a small bowl and stir until a smooth paste is formed.

Preparation for the summer rolls

  • Quarter the cucumber lengthways. Cut the individual quarters lengthways into thin strips. Cook and drain the glass noodles according to the instructions on the packet. Pluck the mint leaves from the stems, wash and dry them. Separate a few leaves of the lettuce, wash, dry and cut into pieces that are a little as long as the cucumber strips.

Make summer rolls

  • Pour water into a large bowl. Put a sheet of rice dough in each for about 15-20 seconds and let it soak. Remove and place 1-2 pieces of lettuce in the middle of the lower third. Place 2 Gruken strips and a couple of rice noodles on top. Drape a few mint leaves just above it. Likewise 2-3 prawns. Now fold up the lower end of the rice dough sheet. Then fold in the sides. Roll up tightly from the bottom up. Dip with the peanut sauce if you like. Good Appetite!
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Written by John Myers

Chef Professjonali b'25 sena esperjenza fl-industrija fl-ogħla livelli. Sid tar-ristorant. Direttur tax-Xorb b'esperjenza fil-ħolqien ta' programmi ta' cocktails ta' klassi dinjija rikonoxxuti nazzjonalment. Kittieb tal-ikel b'vuċi u perspettiva distintivi mmexxija minn Chef.

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