
X'M'għandekx tiekol għall-kolazzjon biex tevita li tħassar Jumek

What a person eats for breakfast determines how cheerful and energetic they will be throughout the day. Parents tell their children from an early age that breakfast is important and necessary, that it is the main meal.

What a person eats for breakfast determines how cheerful and energetic they will be throughout the day. That’s why it’s so important to consciously and wisely choose breakfast recipes.

Do not eat fatty foods in the morning on an empty stomach. Such high-calorie breakfasts are fraught with the development of diabetes, liver problems, and atherosclerosis. Therefore, traditional breakfast pancakes fried in a lot of oil are not suitable.

Frott u frott żgħir

Berries and fruits for breakfast can only be an addition to the main dish (cereal, cottage cheese, or at least yogurt). If you eat only plant-based foods for breakfast, your body will not get enough protein, and you won’t be able to eat enough in one meal.

This is especially true for citrus fruits: the acid they contain will not benefit an empty stomach. Therefore, it is best to eat oranges and other representatives of this family at lunch.

Ikel baxx ta 'xaħam

Not only protein but also fats are essential for a healthy diet. The balance of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in breakfast is especially important. Therefore, it is better to eat foods with medium or low fat in the morning.


Eating bacon for the first meal can lead to pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and gallstone disease. Don’t put such a strain on your gallbladder in the morning.


In addition to bacon, you should also avoid sausage, ham, and cheeses. Nutritionists consider sandwiches to be basically unhealthy foods that should not be included in the diet on a regular basis (but only as rare exceptions).

Dry breakfasts

This list should be supplemented with breakfast cereals: they contain too many fast carbohydrates, and a person will be hungry again very quickly.

What you can eat for breakfast: ideal dishes

  • Porridge.
  • Ħobż sħiħ.
  • Bajda.
  • Boiled or baked fish.
  • Prodotti tal-ħalib b'livell baxx ta' xaħam.
  • Soppa.
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Written by Emma Miller

Jiena nutrizzjonista dietista reġistrat u għandi prattika privata tan-nutrizzjoni, fejn nipprovdi pariri nutrizzjonali one-on-one lill-pazjenti. Nispeċjalizza fil-prevenzjoni/ġestjoni tal-mard kroniku, nutrizzjoni vegan/veġetarjana, nutrizzjoni ta’ qabel it-twelid/wara t-twelid, taħriġ fil-benessri, terapija tan-nutrizzjoni medika, u ġestjoni tal-piż.

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