
गर्मीको लागि 3 आलु सलाद नुस्खा विचार

We have put together three easy potato salad recipe ideas for you here. These are perfect as a side dish for a barbecue. We will show you what you need for the salads and how to prepare them.

Potato salad with zucchini – a simple recipe

Our quantities result in four servings of potato salad. Always use waxy potatoes for a potato salad.

  • Boil six large potatoes in their skins and cut the finished and peeled potatoes into slices or cubes.
  • In a pan, roast four small zucchini cut into pieces, two roughly diced onions, two cloves of garlic, chopped into small pieces, and a few chopped dried tomatoes.
  • When these ingredients are nicely seared, season with salt, pepper, ground cumin, and marjoram to taste.
  • Deglaze the pan with half a liter of hot vegetable stock. Then pour the contents of the pan over the potato slices.
  • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and serve the summery potato salad while it is still lukewarm.
  • If you would like this variant to be a little sourer, cut a gherkin into small cubes and fold them into the lettuce.

Potato salad with fresh wild garlic mayonnaise

The quantities for this recipe are also designed for four servings and you should also use waxy potatoes.

  • Boil a kilo of potatoes in salted water. Then peel the potatoes and cut them in half.
  • For the mayonnaise, put two egg yolks, a teaspoon of mustard, half a teaspoon of sugar and two tablespoons of vinegar, and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Mix these ingredients into an even mass.
  • A whisk works best for this. Add 200 milliliters of rapeseed or sunflower oil drop by drop while stirring constantly. Mix this gently with the egg mixture and keep an even speed.
  • At the end stir 75 grams of washed, dried, and coarsely chopped fresh wild garlic into the mayonnaise.
  • Add eight spring onions cut into rings to the potatoes. If you like it a little spicier, add a finely chopped chili pepper.
  • Pour the mayonnaise over the potatoes and fold in. The potato salad should now sit in the fridge for about an hour before serving.
  • If you want this potato salad in a slightly crispy and savory version, briefly roast the potatoes in hot oil.
  • Otherwise, the preparation procedure remains the same.

Potato salad with crunchy radishes

The ingredients for this recipe are enough for four servings.

  • First, you boil another kilogram of boiled potatoes.
  • While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the marinade. Cut an onion into small cubes and add these cubes to 200 milliliters of boiling vegetable stock.
  • The onions should simmer in the vegetable stock for about five minutes, not boiling, before stirring in four tablespoons of fruit vinegar and one tablespoon of mustard. The marinade is seasoned with a little salt and pepper.
  • When the potatoes are done, remove the skin and cut the potatoes into slices. Pour the marinade over it. Then mix them with the potatoes. Let the mixture steep for about half an hour.
  • Finally, add 250 grams of thinly sliced ​​radishes, 100 grams of the shredded rocket, and four tablespoons of rapeseed or olive oil to the potatoes.
  • Mix the salad thoroughly and then you can serve it.
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