
मिन्स र फेटाको साथ बोरेक सिगार

5 बाट 3 वोट
समय समय 1 घण्टा 30 मिनेट
कुक समय 30 मिनेट
कुल समय 2 घण्टा
कोर्स डिनर
खाना पकाउने युरोपेली
सर्भरहरू 4 मान्छे
क्यालोरिज 266 kcal


  • 25 त्रिकोणीय युफका पेस्ट्री पानाहरू
  • 250 g Minced meat (beef and / or lamb)
  • 150 g Feta
  • 2 लसुन लौंग
  • 0,5 गुच्छा अजय
  • मरिच
  • रातो काली मिर्च
  • थिम
  • जीरा
  • जैतून का तेल



  • You can get all the ingredients fresh, tasty and cheap in the nearest Turkish supermarket. It is worth stopping by!


  • Wash the parsley, pluck from the stems and chop finely.
  • Fry the minced meat in a little fat or in a non-stick pan until crumbly.
  • Stir in the pressed garlic, a little pepper, pul biber, thyme, cumin and the parsley.
  • Remove the mixture from the heat, fold in the crumbled feta and let cool.


  • Stack the Yufka pastry sheets in front of you with the long side down.
  • Moisten the lower half slightly with water. This works best with a pastry brush.
  • Spread 1 tablespoons of the minced meat filling about 2 cm long over the wide end, leaving 2 cm space at the edge. It feels less filling than you might think.
  • Fold in the edges, wrap the lower end around the filling and roll up tightly. Halfway through, brush the tip of the dough sheet with a little more water and stick the roll while rolling.

गहिरो फ्राइ

  • Fill a sufficiently large pan 0.5 cm high with olive oil and heat it over medium heat. Then reduce the heat.
  • Put the dough rolls in the oil and fry over low heat. You can tell that the lower part is finished when it is no longer saggy but firm. When turning, the surface should be golden yellow.
  • Fry the underside until firm and golden yellow, then remove the Böreks and let them drain on kitchen towels. Proceed in the same way with the next dough rolls.

पुनः ताजा

  • Börek is very easy to prepare so that it tastes very good cold as a snack the next day.
  • But try the freshly fried Böreks from the pan while they are still hot and crispy. Hammer!


सेवा दिँदै: 100gक्यालोरिज: 266kcalकार्बोहाइड्रेट: 1.3gप्रोटिन: 14.8gमोटो: 22.3g
अवतार फोटो

द्वारा लिखित जोन मायर्स

उच्च स्तरमा उद्योग अनुभवको 25 वर्षको साथ पेशेवर शेफ। रेस्टुरेन्ट मालिक। विश्व-स्तरीय राष्ट्रिय मान्यता प्राप्त ककटेल कार्यक्रमहरू सिर्जना गर्ने अनुभवको साथ पेय निर्देशक। खाना लेखक एक विशिष्ट शेफ-संचालित आवाज र दृष्टिकोणको साथ।

जवाफ छाड्नुस्

आफ्नो इमेल ठेगाना प्रकाशित गरिनेछ। आवश्यक क्षेत्रहरू मार्क *

यो नुस्खाको मूल्या Rate्कन गर्नुहोस्

फ्राइड एस्पारागस संग होक्काइडो सूप

च्याउको साथ तातो मीठो आलु गौलाश अला आई गुस्टी मेड - रेन्डांग उबी