
अजमोद रोप्नुहोस् - यो कसरी काम गर्दछ

Parsley is one of the best-known kitchen herbs. What is important when sowing and caring for the plants, you will learn in this practical tip.

Sow parsley – that’s how it works

The parsley likes a light location. However, the direct sun should be avoided. You must not expose the plants to waterlogging, here the tolerance threshold is extremely low. If the parsley gets too wet, it will die after a short time. However, if you make sure that the water drains well, you can keep the soil moist at all times.

  • Parsley is best planted as seeds. You can sow up to 300 seeds per meter of bed.
  • If you want to harvest a lot of parsley a year, it is best to start sowing in spring. In this case, it is advisable to first grow the seeds in smaller pots indoors or in a greenhouse. After just a few days you can see the first seedlings. After the first leaves appear, you should separate the plants and shorten the roots a little. This ensures better growth.
  • From mid-March, the young parsley plants can be planted directly in the garden. Keep a distance of 10 to 20 centimeters between the plants. Parsley also thrives in pots on the patio.

Harvest parsley properly

It is best to cut off the perennial parsley close to the ground.

  • The best time to harvest is before the flower stalks sprout.
  • In addition, you should only harvest parsley in portions so that the plants then have enough time to regrow.
  • By the way, the best time to harvest is in the morning, when the morning dew has dried.

Caring for parsley during the winter

In winter, cut back the plants and protect them from frost with tarpaulin. The parsley will sprout again the following year. Alternatively, you can of course store the parsley indoors over the winter and move on.

  • The parsley likes a cool and light place. Place the plants either on the windowsill in the kitchen or in the bedroom with little heat.
  • The plants should be watered regularly but sparingly in winter.
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