
शून्य आहार: तपाईंले के विचार गर्नुपर्छ

The zero diets is the most radical of all diets. Her bad reputation precedes her. Right?

The zero diet: Two weeks of radical fasting

Many diets promise weight loss without giving up pleasure and without feeling hungry. The zero diets, on the other hand, rely on a completely different program: no calories, no food – and only liquid. But what about total fasting? In the past, zero diets for severe obesity were carried out in clinics and under medical supervision. It usually lasted up to eight weeks. Today, most methods rely on a period of one to two weeks. In the meantime, however, this method is considered medically outdated and has given way to other fasting models. Nevertheless, people who want to lose weight still rely on this radical form of fasting today.

This is how the zero diet works

With the zero diets, you do without any solid food for a few days or weeks – and almost all calories. For the body, this means turmoil: First, the body uses the protein in the muscles. So the first pounds you lose are muscle mass – only after a few days do the fat reserves start to get exhausted. You have to hold out for up to three days before the body has changed its metabolism. Finally, the body forms so-called ketone bodies, which suppress the feeling of hunger. The calorie turnover is also reduced.

Sufficient fluid intake is very important for zero diets. You should drink at least three liters a day during the diet – tap water, mineral water, or unsweetened herbal teas. Smoothies or other fruit juices are out of the question due to their calorie content. If necessary, dietary supplements or vitamin preparations can also be taken.

Benefits of the zero diet

But why do you do something like zero diets? The fact is that you lose weight quickly with the zero diet – an average of 463 grams per day is possible. In addition, you don’t have to deal with diet recipes or with the purchase of special ingredients. Even counting calories, which can be tedious and time-consuming with many diets, is eliminated.

Disadvantages of the zero diet

Zero diets are extremely hard, especially in the first few days. The body lacks vitamins, minerals, and other valuable nutrients. The first deficiency symptoms caused by nutrient deprivation can quickly become noticeable. These can manifest themselves from circulatory problems and fatigue to concentration disorders and cardiac arrhythmias.

You may be tired, listless, and tense, and find it difficult to go about your day normally. The zero diets is considered extremely questionable by many medical professionals. With the zero diets, a later yo-yo effect is relatively likely: your metabolism has adjusted to a completely different, much lower program. When you start eating regularly again, your metabolism can’t adjust to the food you’re digesting as quickly – and you gain weight again.

अवतार फोटो

द्वारा लिखित एलिजाबेथ बेली

एक अनुभवी रेसिपी विकासकर्ता र पोषण विशेषज्ञको रूपमा, म रचनात्मक र स्वस्थ नुस्खा विकास प्रस्ताव गर्दछु। मेरा रेसिपीहरू र फोटोहरू सबैभन्दा धेरै बिक्री हुने कुकबुकहरू, ब्लगहरू र थपमा प्रकाशित भएका छन्। म रेसिपीहरू सिर्जना गर्न, परीक्षण गर्न र सम्पादन गर्नमा विशेषज्ञ छु जबसम्म तिनीहरूले पूर्ण रूपमा विभिन्न सीप स्तरहरूको लागि सहज, प्रयोगकर्ता-अनुकूल अनुभव प्रदान गर्दैनन्। म स्वस्थ, राम्ररी गोलाकार खाना, बेक्ड सामान र खाजाहरूमा ध्यान केन्द्रित गरी सबै प्रकारका व्यञ्जनहरूबाट प्रेरणा लिन्छु। मसँग पालेओ, केटो, डेयरी-फ्री, ग्लुटेन-फ्री, र शाकाहारी जस्ता प्रतिबन्धित आहारहरूमा विशेषताको साथ सबै प्रकारका आहारहरूमा अनुभव छ। सुन्दर, स्वादिष्ट र स्वस्थ खानाको परिकल्पना, तयारी, र फोटो खिच्नु बाहेक मलाई रमाइलो केही छैन।

जवाफ छाड्नुस्

आफ्नो इमेल ठेगाना प्रकाशित गरिनेछ। आवश्यक क्षेत्रहरू मार्क *

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