Ei Gebakken Rijst

5 oppompen van 8 stemmen
Totale tijd 20 minuten
Type cursus Hoofdgerecht
Keuken Nederlands
Porties 2 onze medewerkers
Calorieën 126 kcal


  • 125 g Gekookte rijst
  • 1 stuk Ei
  • Diepvriesgroentemix
  • Zout
  • Pepper


  • Depending on your preference, add the desired amount of vegetable mixture (for me it is always a large handful) in a large pan with oil. Add the rice and mix everything well. Beat the egg in the pan and stir in as well … Fry the whole thing well for about 15 minutes. Don’t forget to stir often and season with salt and pepper


Portie: 100gCalorieën: 126kcalKoolhydraten: 27.8gEiwit: 2.6gVet: 0.2g

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