
Сок алычи с ежевикой

Сок алычи с ежевикой

Идеальный рецепт алычового сока с ежевикой с фото и простой пошаговой инструкцией.

  • 5 kilogram Red cherry plums, washed, ‘and sorted
  • 1 килограмм ежевики, вымытой и перебранной.
  • Сахар, ксилит, эритрит или подсластитель по необходимости и вкусу.
  1. Get the steam juicer ready to go and add about 2.5 liters of water to the lower pot. Put all the fruit in the top container of the steam juicer. The cherry plums do not have to be pitted. Then cook everything on maximum. Occasionally fill a liter of juice into a previously sterilized bottle. After approx. 2 – 2.5 hours, the time for juicing is over. You can see that clearly. I always get between 4 and 5.5 liters of juice out of it. (By the way: You can make fruit leather out of all the mud. Turn everything through the brisk Lotte and put the porridge on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Let them dry in the oven.) Cherry plums are very sour, so you should add sugar and the like. Ä. in fact think about it. As always, I sweetened the juice with sweetener. Myself and my cousin can take sweeteners very well. We have never had diarrhea from it. My cousin loves this juice very much. It is great to drink when diluted with water and is a perfect thirst quencher in summer!
Европейская кухня
алычовый сок с ежевикой

Написано Джон Майерс

Профессиональный шеф-повар с 25-летним опытом работы в отрасли на самом высоком уровне. Владелец ресторана. Директор по напиткам с опытом создания коктейльных программ мирового уровня, признанных на национальном уровне. Кулинарный писатель с характерным голосом и точкой зрения шеф-повара.

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