
කැන්ඩීඩා වලට එරෙහිව පොල් තෙල්

Coconut oil is a wonderful remedy for candida Albicans fungal infection. If the fungus appears on the skin, the coconut oil can be applied externally. In the case of vaginal thrush, coconut oil can be used for intimate hygiene. And if there is a Candida load in the intestines, simply take the coconut oil in the appropriate dosage. Naturopaths have long recommended this approach. A study has now scientifically confirmed the antifungal effect of coconut oil on the digestive system.

Coconut oil against candida

Coconut oil is a wonderful remedy for candida albicans fungal infection. If the fungus appears on the skin, the coconut oil can be applied externally. In the case of vaginal thrush, coconut oil can be used for intimate hygiene. And if there is a Candida load in the intestines, simply take the coconut oil in the appropriate dosage. Naturopaths have long recommended this approach. A study has now scientifically confirmed the antifungal effect of coconut oil on the digestive system.

Use coconut oil in the right dosage for candida

Coconut oil in the right dosage can help with a strain of Candida albicans. Candida albicans belong to the yeast fungi and are found almost everywhere around us, but also inside us, e.g. B. in the intestine. If Candida is kept in check there by the healthy intestinal flora, nothing happens. With a weak immune system, a disturbance of the intestinal flora, or a high-sugar diet, however, the Candida fungus can multiply.

Candida – Intestinal fungus, vaginal thrush, and skin fungus

In the intestine, the fungus can lead to digestive problems such as flatulence and discomfort, but also to sudden food intolerance. In the vagina, Candida albicans is the trigger of a vaginal yeast infection, which is accompanied by itching, pain, and dry mucous membranes. A Candida infection can also show up in the form of round or oval red patches of skin. These spots can appear individually on very different parts of the body, on the arms, legs, or even on the stomach.

Candida in the blood – Invasive candidiasis

If the intestine is heavily burdened with Candida, the entire body suffers. The toxic metabolic waste products and, in extreme cases, the fungus itself can pass through the intestinal mucosa and enter the bloodstream. Chronic fatigue, a drop in performance, poor concentration, organ damage, and many other systemic complaints (affecting the whole body) now set in.

This is referred to as invasive candidiasis, which is the fourth most common blood infection in hospital patients. Invasive candidiasis can become a major problem, particularly in immunocompromised patients, patients in intensive care units, premature babies, and the elderly, and is fatal in 70 percent of cases.

Candida develops resistance to antifungal drugs

Antifungal medicines work very well at the first sign of a fungal infection and prevent the infection from getting into the blood. But the situation here is similar to the use of antibiotics. Because Candida albicans is also a master at developing resistance. This means that antifungal agents are less and less effective and at some point maybe not at all.

Coconut oil instead of antifungal medication

Coconut oil is a great alternative here with very few side effects – as confirmed by a study by Tufts University in Massachusetts/USA in November 2015. Coconut oil – according to the research team in the journal mSphere – can limit the growth of Candida albicans very well, so that there is no “overpopulation” of the fungi and consequently no invasive candidiasis.

The scientists wrote that coconut oil in the right dosage or as part of the diet could be an alternative to the usual antifungal medication and that the consumption of coconut oil also helps prevent candida infections from developing in the first place.

Coconut oil reduces candida by 90 percent

In their experiments, the researcher’s microbiologist Carol Kumamoto and nutritionist Alice H. Lichtenstein tested how three different fats can influence the number of Candida albicans in the intestine: soybean oil, beef fat, and coconut oil. Coconut oil reduced the number of Candida fungi in the gut by more than 90 percent compared to a diet containing beef fat. Even when coconut oil was combined with beef fat, the fungi could still be reduced in large numbers due to the presence of coconut oil.

Coconut oil helps reduce the use of antifungal drugs

“So you could integrate coconut oil into the patient’s diet to prevent excessive fungal growth in the intestine and thus also systemic fungal infections,”
said Professor Kumamoto. and dr Lichtenstein added:

“Food can be a powerful ally in the fight against the disease. Our study shows that short-term and targeted consumption of coconut oil can ward off life-threatening fungal infections in susceptible patients.”
dr Kearney Gunsalus – also a member of Professor Kumamoto’s team – added:

“We want to offer doctors new therapy options so that the use of antifungal medicines can be reduced. If we use coconut oil in the future, antifungal medicines can be saved for really critical situations.”

Coconut Oil Against Candida – The Right Dosage

The effects of coconut oil against candida can be enhanced even further by combining coconut oil with oregano oil.

අවතාර් ඡායාරූපය

ලියන ලද්දේ ජෝන් මයර්ස්

ඉහළම මට්ටම්වල වසර 25 ක කර්මාන්ත පළපුරුද්ද සහිත වෘත්තීය සූපවේදියෙක්. ආපනශාලා හිමිකරු. ලෝක මට්ටමේ ජාතික වශයෙන් පිළිගත් කොක්ටේල් වැඩසටහන් නිර්මාණය කිරීමේ අත්දැකීම් ඇති බීම අධ්‍යක්ෂක. සුවිශේෂී චෙෆ් විසින් මෙහෙයවන හඬක් සහ දෘෂ්ටිකෝණයක් සහිත ආහාර ලේඛකයා.


ඔබේ ඊ-මේල් ලිපිනය පළ කරනු නොලැබේ. අවශ්ය ක්ෂේත්ර සලකුණු වේ *

කෝපි යන්ත්‍රවල අච්චුව

වීගන් අඩු කාබ් ආහාර සඳහා ආහාර සැලැස්ම