
Banánová zmrzlina – hotová za 3 minúty!

5 z 6 hlasov
Časová náročnosť 3 minút
Celkový čas 3 minút
Kurz večera
varenie Európsky
porcií 5 ľudia
Kalórie 110 kcal


Throw away overripe bananas?

  • NO .... we make instant banana ice cream out of it .... the prerequisite for this is: every time a banana gets too ripe and nobody wants to eat it, it is sliced ​​and frozen - we collect it in the freezer little by little the "spurned" bananas until the day when they then have their "big show"

Banánová zmrzlina

  • Take the banana slices out of the freezer and weigh them first - in my case it was 360 grams of banana slices - then add half as much (180 grams) of yoghurt (it works with buttermilk too, but it becomes a little more liquid!) - everything immediately Blend or puree with the blender - season with lemon and sugar and enjoy the ratz-fatz ice cream immediately

elegant variant for guests ...

  • Fill the banana-yoghurt mixture into a silicone mold and let it rest for about 2 hours. put it in the freezer again - then press the ice cream out of the molds, decorate the plates with fresh banana slices, chocolate sauce and a little cream


  • if the ice is longer than 2 hours. In the freezer it should be about 1 hour. Take it out before serving and put it in the REFRIGERATOR so that it gets the right serving temperature and tastes nice and creamy again.


porcia: 100gKalórie: 110kcalSacharidy: 21.3gproteín: 2.4gtuk: 1.1g
Fotka avatara

Napísané John Myers

Profesionálny šéfkuchár s 25-ročnými skúsenosťami v odbore na najvyššej úrovni. Majiteľ reštaurácie. Nápojový riaditeľ so skúsenosťami s vytváraním celonárodne uznávaných koktailových programov svetovej úrovne. Food spisovateľ s charakteristickým šéfkuchárskym hlasom a názorom.

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