Varenie syra s korením

5 z 5 hlasov
Časová náročnosť 15 minút
Doba varenia 1 hodina
Doba odpočinku 1 minúta
Celkový čas 1 hodina
Kurz večera
varenie Európsky
porcií 1 ľudia


  • 400 g Harzový valec
  • 200 g Romadur
  • 200 g Maslo
  • 75 g Mlieko 3.8%
  • 80 g biele víno
  • 500 g Nízkotučný tvaroh
  • 1 lyžičky rasca
  • 1 lyžičky Pepe Valle Maggia
  • 8 g Soľ
  • 3 prsty cesnak
  • 1 lyžičky Prášok na pečenie


  • I was inspired by homemade cooked cheese. But since a slow cooker is used and I don’t own one, something of my own had to be found. As a non-cooked cheese expert, I quickly noticed a few similarities to cheese fondue during further research, in addition to the realization that there are a thousand different recipes and definitions. I always make fondue myself and do without the ready-made products on offer. I like to control the taste and consistency myself. So I prepared cooked cheese like a modified cheese fondue.
  • Weigh the cheeses and cut into small cubes. Weigh the milk, white wine and butter. Put the low-fat quark in a bowl and mix with a heaping teaspoon of baking soda. Use a sufficiently large pot – you will still need it (see pictures).
  • Hrniec potrieme strúčikom cesnaku a položíme na sporák. Nastavte úroveň 2 z 10 možných úrovní ohrevu. Odvážte víno, pridajte maslo a kocky syra do hrnca a premiešajte. Na začiatku nie je potrebné tak silno miešať. Biele víno svojím obsahom alkoholu a kyslosťou spôsobí, že syr rýchlejšie skvapalní a samozrejme má výraznú chuť. Keď je všetko teplé, prilejeme mlieko.
  • It is important with this method to warm slowly to prevent the water and fat bound in the cheese from separating from the solid components (proteins). With fondue, that’s the declaration of bankruptcy. I did some research for the cooked cheese, if it is heated too quickly, it “becomes too runny and then no longer solidifies”. The same effect as with fondue: the cheese curdles.
  • When the butter has melted and the cheese is slowly dissolving, you need to stir more. Add the salt (0.25 teaspoons = approx. 8 gr.). Now you can add 2 more finely chopped garlic cloves or, in my case, 2 teaspoons of garlic paste. In addition – also for those who like it: the caraway and the Pepe Valle Maggia. The pepper is a mixture that is available in the Swiss canton of Ticino and I advise against taking a whole teaspoon of black pepper instead – use less!
  • Keď sa syr rozpustí, pridajte tvaroh a sódu bikarbónu. Zvýšte teplotu varnej dosky na 5 z 10 stupňov. Odteraz sa musí neustále miešať. V hrnci premiešajte 8. Tým sa spoja rôzne ingrediencie a pri fondue by pomohlo aj to, že sa zmes nezrazí. Čím je syr horúcejší, tým viac sa hmota rozťahuje. Je to kvôli sóde bikarbóne v tvarohu. Teraz je vidieť, či bol hrniec zvolený dostatočne veľký. Ak nie, je čas vyčistiť sporák.
  • Aby som syr priviedol do varu, zvýšil som z 5 na 8 a potom pri varení opäť znížil a potom za stáleho miešania nechal povariť 3 minúty. Syr sa naleje do čistých pohárov. Pred prvým ochutnaním musí zrieť 24 hodín. Môže sa uchovávať v chladničke až 2 týždne.

Chuť a konzistencia

  • The consistency is semi-solid, but spreadable. The taste is reminiscent of processed cheese at the first bite. In contrast to this, mine does without melting salts and other benefits of the food industry. The pepper goes well. The salt could possibly also stay away completely. Certainly I haven’t made the recipe for the last time.






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