
Fresh Forest Howa muCream Sauce ine Homemade Bread Dumplings

Fresh Forest Howa muCream Sauce ine Homemade Bread Dumplings

Iwo akakwana akachena sango howa mu cream sosi ane homemade bread dumplings recipe ine mufananidzo uye nyore nhanho-nhanho mirairo.

  • 1 kg Hutsva, hwakacheneswa howa hwemusango eg. Red caps, boletus, birch howa
  • 40 g butter
  • 2 Chopped onions
  • 200 ml yenyama yemombe yakagadzirwa kumba
  • Kune VEGETARIANS: muto wemuriwo
  • 1 mukombe Cream
  • 125 ml Waini yakachena yakaoma
  • munyu
  • mhiripiri
  • Ground caraway
  • 1 bunch parsley yakagurwa zvakanaka
  1. Preparation: “Wife” send the husband early in the morning (it has just got really light), but if possible after having a good breakfast, into the forest to “buy” mushrooms! Until the husband comes home, you can read the newspaper in peace (so YOU ​​can read the sports section with peace of mind!) And then put it ready for men so that he can read what is going on in the world is ! When the “mushroom seeker” comes home, do not forget to praise him profusely for his find, no matter how big (or small) the harvest was! First of all, I gave my husband a back massage to relieve the back pain he had suffered from bending over (the “arms”) !!! :-))) His yield was impressive as you can see in the picture! Now it’s time to cook the pilgrimage!
  2. Kugadzirira 2: Geza howa kubva mutsvina yakakasharara nebhurashi rehowa, guruva nefurawa (ZVINODZIVISA KUTI MAHOWA ANONYUKA ITStbspF NEMVURA) wogeza kwenguva pfupi nemvura !!! DAPPING DRY !!! Kana zvichidikanwa, cheka kana kubvisa nzvimbo dzakaita sehonye panzvimbo yakakura. Bvisa nzvimbo dzine makomba.
  3. Cheka howa kuita zvidimbu kana zvidimbu, cheka hanyanisi uye fry zvose pamwe chete mubhota. Deglaze nemombe yemombe kana miriwo yemiriwo (yakagadzirwa kumba kana kutengwa yakagadzirira-yakagadzirirwa), kirimu newaini chena uye nguva nemhiripiri, munyu uye caraway powder!
  4. Usati washumira, wedzera parsley yakagurwa, ronga pamahwendefa ane chingwa chekugadzira dumplings (ona bhuku rangu rekubika) uye ipapo BON APPETITE !!!
  5. Tip 5: Mushrooms shouldn’t be washed, but when I prepare forest mushrooms, I dust the cleaned, uncut “treasures” with flour and toss them briefly in cold water. The flour removes any remaining soil and other dirt from the mushroom and I don’t have to worry about whether the mushrooms that I and my family are currently eating may have been contaminated with faeces from animals! After rinsing, pat the mushrooms dry with a kitchen towel and the mushroom dish can be conjured up.
fresh sango howa mu cream muto ane homemade chingwa dumplings

rakanyorwa John Myers

Professional Chef ane makore makumi maviri nemashanu eruzivo rweindasitiri pamazinga epamusoro. Muridzi weresitorendi. Beverage Director ane ruzivo rwekugadzira epasi-yepasi anozivikanwa cocktail zvirongwa. Chikafu munyori ane yakasarudzika inzwi rinotyairwa naChef uye maonero.

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