
Trumzë e karamelizuar – Mollë – Parfait…

5 nga 5 vota
Total Time 45 minuta
Kurs Darkë
kuzhinë Evropian
servings 2 njerëz
Kalori 317 kcal


Caramelized Thyme - Apple - Parfait ...

  • 0,25 0.25 apple fresh
  • 1 tbsp Lëng limoni
  • 3 buron Trumzë e freskët
  • 1 tbsp Sheqer
  • 2 tbsp Calvados
  • Vezë
  • 1 tbsp Sheqer
  • 1 një çikë Kripë
  • 100 g Shllak embelsire

... of Calvados - apple

  • 1 Mollë e freskët
  • 0,5 Limon i freskët
  • 10 g Gjalpë
  • 1 tbsp Sheqer
  • 2 cl Calvados
  • 2 tbsp Sulltanasit


  • Trumzë e freskët


Caramelized Thyme - Apple - Parfait ...

  • Peel the apple, remove the core and grate finely. Mix with the lemon juice. Wash thyme, shake dry. Pluck the small leaves and mix them with the apple.
  • Caramelize the sugar in the pan. Deglaze with calvados. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the apples and caramelize. Take the pan off the heat and let it cool down.
  • Separate egg. Chill the egg whites. Mix the egg yolks with sugar over a hot water bath until creamy. Take down and stir cold. Beat egg whites with salt until stiff. Whip the cream. Carefully fold in both one after the other. Finally fold in the apples.
  • Line a flat freezer box with cling film. Pour in the mixture and let it freeze overnight in the freezer.

... an Calvados - Apfel

  • Peel the apple, cut out the core with an apple cutter. Squeeze the lemon. Cut the apple into slices and drizzle with the lemon juice.
  • Melt the butter in a crucible. Caramelize sugar in it. Deglaze with calvados. Place apple slices in the pan and caramelize. Finally add the sultanas and heat them up.


  • Take the parfait out of the freezer 15 minutes before serving and let it thaw. Slice. Arrange the apple and thyme parfait together with the calvados apple on dessert plates. Garnish with fresh thyme.


shërbyer: 100gkalorive: 317kcalKarbohidratet: 34.1gproteina: 1.1gFat: 12.1g
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Shkruar nga John Myers

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