
Mini Cheesecakes me karamel të kripur, me manaferra dhe fiq

5 nga 5 vota
Total Time 1 orë 30 minuta
Kurs Darkë
kuzhinë Evropian
servings 5 njerëz
Kalori 354 kcal


Për tokën:

  • 100 g Gjalpë
  • 50 g Chocolate biscuit sticks
  • 50 g Zonjën e gishtave
  • 50 g zwieback

Për kremin:

  • 0,5 Kompjuter Lëng limoni të freskët të shtrydhur
  • 500 g Djathë me dy krem
  • 600 g Krem kosi
  • 1 Msp kardamom
  • 1 Msp Kanellë
  • 0,5 Kompjuter Bishtaja e vaniljes (vetëm tul)
  • 70 g Sheqer
  • 1 Bl. Xhelatinë

Për salcën e karamelit:

  • 120 g Sheqer
  • 200 g Shllak embelsire
  • 20 g Gjalpë
  • 0,5 tsp Kripë deti

Për zbukurim:

  • 1 pako Manaferra të freskëta
  • 3 Kompjuter Fiq të freskët
  • 8 Kompjuter Chocolate biscuit sticks


Për tokën:

  • Melt the butter and let it cool down. In the meantime, roughly crumble the chocolate biscuit sticks, sponge fingers and rusks. Put in a freezer bag and crumble with a rolling pin or hammer. Mix the butter with the crumbs and set aside.

Për kremin:

  • Squeeze the juice of the lemon. Briefly whip the cream cheese, sour cream, cinnamon and cardamom with the vanilla pod pulp, lemon juice and sugar with a mixer.
  • Soak the gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes. Then squeeze out well and dissolve in a saucepan over low heat. Remove the saucepan from the heat, add 3 tablespoons of the cream and whisk with the gelatin. Slowly add the rest of the cream and stir well.
  • Fill into the dessert molds and smooth out. Now carefully add the biscuit base spoon by spoon. Caution: do not press too hard. Place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

Për salcën e karamelit:

  • Caramelize 120 g of sugar in a saucepan. Add the cream, butter and sea salt and stir the mixture on a low setting (simmer gently) until a thick sauce is formed. Caution: do not simmer too long, the mass will still thicken a little. Let cool down.

Për të shërbyer:

  • Remove the cake from the mold, pour the sauce over it and decorate with blackberries, figs and chopsticks.


shërbyer: 100gkalorive: 354kcalKarbohidratet: 18.8gproteina: 5.6gFat: 28.7g
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Shkruar nga John Myers

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