
Brinjë rezervë Alla I Gusti Made

5 nga 5 vota
Koha Prep 25 minuta
Koha e gatimit 2 ore
Total Time 2 ore 25 minuta
Kurs Darkë
kuzhinë Evropian
servings 2 njerëz
Kalori 17 kcal


Për marinadën:

  • 8 i vogël Qepë, të kuqe
  • 2 të mesme Karafil hudhër, të freskët
  • 2 tbsp Vaj luledielli
  • 2 polakët Lemongrass
  • 8 Gjethet e gëlqeres kafir
  • 40 g Xhenxhefil, i freskët ose i ngrirë
  • 20 g Tamarind, from the block
  • 60 g lëng portokalli
  • 2 tbsp Sheqer i imët, i bardhë
  • 600 g Lëng domate
  • 4 i vogël Anise yll, e tërë
  • 4 karafil
  • 8 cm Shkop kanelle
  • 3 tsp Pastë me spec të kuq "Shandong"
  • 100 g Uje kokosi
  • 10 g Lëng perimesh, bouillon Kraft
  • 4 tbsp Kecap Tim Ikan

Për salcën BBQ:

  • 80 g Marinadë, pas gatimit
  • 60 g Salcë Spring roll ala Sanur Beach
  • 50 g Carolina Honey BBQ Sauce, Toni Roma, (available for purchase)


  • 1,5 litër Vaj për skuqje

Për të zbukuruar:

  • 4 madhësi Lettuce leaves, green, Lollo Bionda
  • 2 të mesme Domate
  • 2 Discs Karotë
  • 30 g Kikirikë, të zbardhur, të pjekur dhe të kripur


  • Wash the baby ribs and boil them in plenty of water for 2 minutes. Strain, discard the stock and rinse and drain the ribs. Cap the small, red onions at both ends, peel and roughly cut into pieces. Heat a small pan, add the sunflower oil and let it get hot. Add the onions and garlic and roast until the onions turn light brown. Deglaze with the tomato juice and pour the mixture into a 2.5 liter casserole.
  • Wash the fresh lemongrass, remove the hard stalk at the bottom, remove the brown and withered leaves and only use the white to light green parts. Cut this into pieces approx. 8 cm long. Remove the outer, green leaves if necessary. Gently tap the lower half of the pieces with the back of the knife. The stems should remain intact. Wash the kaffir lime leaves and use them whole. Cut the fresh, washed and peeled ginger crosswise into thin slices. Weigh frozen goods.
  • Tamarind can be bought en bloc (with grains, natural) from 100g in the Asian shop. For this recipe you need 20 g, which you cut into thin slices from the block. Mix with the orange juice and sugar and simmer for 5 minutes while stirring. Strain and strain through a sieve. This results in 2 - 3 tablespoons of aromatic tamarind syrup.
  • Put all the ingredients for the marinade together with the ribs in the casserole and simmer for 90 minutes. Strain the ribs and prepare them. Remove the ginger slices, lemongrass pieces, star anise and the leaves from the sieve and keep them ready to decorate. Use the broth for the BBQ sauce.
  • Mix the ingredients for the BBQ sauce together and heat well, but do not boil. Brown the dried ribs in frying oil at 220 degrees Celsius (takes approx. 15-20 seconds). Then pour it into the BBQ sauce and distribute it on the serving plates, garnish, serve and enjoy.


  • Kecap Tim Ikan, see: Kecap Tim Ikan - a mild, dark, malty-spicy soy sauce Red pepper paste "Shandong", see: Red pepper paste "Shandong"


shërbyer: 100gkalorive: 17kcalKarbohidratet: 3.4gproteina: 0.4gFat: 0.1g
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Shkruar nga John Myers

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