
Дијета за циститис: шта помаже?

The right diet can support drug therapy and alleviate the symptoms of a bladder infection. We tell you which foods are good for your bladder.

Diet can help to promote the healing process in the case of a bladder infection, for example through anti-inflammatory foods. Bladder infections are usually caused by bacteria that ascend through the urethra into the bladder. Those affected often have to take antibiotics, but diet can also help.

Bladder infections: Women are more commonly affected

Bladder infections are usually caused by bacteria that ascend through the urethra into the bladder. Antibiotics are usually needed here to fight the infection and kill the bacteria. A bladder infection is noticeable by burning and pain when urinating. Women are affected more often than men because their urethra is shorter, which makes it easier for the bacteria to get into the bladder.

Diet for bladder infection: fish, ginger, and co.

In the case of an acute bladder infection, it is important to include anti-inflammatory foods on the menu. It has been proven that foods with a high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit inflammatory processes in the body and strengthen the immune system. Fish such as salmon, herring, and mackerel and vegetable oils such as linseed oil, olive oil, and rapeseed oil are particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Some foods have an antibacterial effect due to the essential oils they contain, such as ginger, chili, cress, radishes, horseradish, and mustard.

It is also important to drink a lot if you have a bladder infection. If there are no heart or kidney diseases, it can be two to three liters a day. This flushes the germs out of the bladder. Still, water and unsweetened herbal or fruit teas are best. You should avoid sugary soft drinks and fruit juices if you have a bladder infection – because the sugar also serves as food for the bacteria.

Proper nutrition to prevent cystitis

For a long time, cranberries were considered the ultimate diet for cystitis. However, that is not correct. Because cranberries do not help with an existing bladder infection. However, they can provide some protection, especially if you suffer from cystitis regularly.

Cranberry juices with a high proportion of proanthocyanidins (PAC), a secondary plant substance, are effective. These are contained in the so-called mother juice, but not in cranberry juice concentrate from the supermarket. PACs are the ingredients that have a preventive effect on cystitis. They prevent bacteria from nesting in the mucous membranes of the bladder and have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Drinking 150 milliliters of cranberry juice twice a day can prevent bladder infections. However, cranberry juice, like berries, tastes very sour.

There are also preparations with cranberry extract. These are not recognized as medicinal products, only as dietary supplements. Anyone who wants to take them should consult their doctor or pharmacist, since interactions can occur with certain medications, especially blood thinners. If you want to use the berries as part of a diet for a bladder infection, you should ideally process them fresh.

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