
Да ли је црвени купус здрав?

Red cabbage is known as an accompaniment to hearty dishes. But whether raw or cooked, in lasagne or as an ingredient in a vegetarian bowl: it is extremely versatile and can be prepared in many variations. What makes red cabbage so healthy?

Why is red cabbage healthy?

Red cabbage contains fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins K and E as well as the water-soluble vitamin B and – like all types of cabbage – vitamin C. Vitamin C is usually sensitive to heat, and the content drops considerably when it is cooked.

What vitamins does red cabbage contain?

Red and white cabbage are rich in vitamin C, with red cabbage containing slightly more than white cabbage. It also contains vitamin E, folic acid and vitamins from the B group and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. The glucosinolates contained in the herb are responsible for the typical taste.

Red cabbage and the daily requirement of certain nutrients

Adults should consume about 95 to 110 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C per day. With 83 mg, one portion of red cabbage (150 g) contains almost the entire daily requirement. In addition, red cabbage provides the following micronutrients per 100 g:

  • Iron (0.44 mg)
  • Magnesium (16 mg)
  • Calcium (37 mg)
  • Potassium (241 mg)

The latter is particularly important for the transmission of stimuli in the nerve fibers and helps to regulate the water balance. Red cabbage offers all of this, which is extremely low in calories: 100 grams of raw cabbage contain only 27 calories.

Red cabbage: How is the vegetable properly prepared?

Red cabbage is not only so popular because of its nutrients, it also tastes really delicious. Whether raw, deep-frozen or boiled down – it is available in all varieties. But which one is the healthiest?

Red cabbage: better raw or cooked?

Red cabbage is good to eat raw. When exposed to heat, it loses some of its nutrients, but cooked red cabbage is also healthy. The nutritional values ​​of raw vegetables and cooked vegetables differ only slightly. The availability of vitamin C even increases through cooking (not too long). Cabbage can be stored very well and with almost no loss of nutrients. If the head of cabbage is closed, without spots or cracks, it can be used for several months in a dark, cool cellar or in the refrigerator.

Ready red cabbage from the jar or frozen?

It is better to leave cooked herb on the shelf. In processed red cabbage, the sugar content is usually high, but the vitamin C content is low. On average, a 700 gram glass contains 77 grams of sugar. That’s the equivalent of 25 sugar cubes. If you want to use the finished product, give preference to the frozen cabbage: according to Stiftung Warentest, the frozen red cabbage is just as healthy as the homemade version.

Is red cabbage a good filler?

The high fiber content means that red cabbage keeps you full for longer. However, people with sensitive intestines can react to the fiber giants with digestive problems. These occur mainly after eating raw cabbage. The digestive work of the bacteria in the intestine creates gases – which is why cabbage is feared by many as the cause of flatulence. The good news: You can easily avoid the bloating effect of cabbage: do not eat the red cabbage raw. Blanch the cabbage and freeze it, this makes it easier to digest.

Extra: Recipe for delicious red cabbage and apple salad

The preparation as raw food is very simple: Red cabbage is shaved into strips and spices up a summery leaf salad. But it can also shine as a basis for a red cabbage and apple salad with feta cheese.

Састојци за 4 особе

  • 1 kg red cabbage
  • 1 green (sour) apple
  • 1 red (sweet) apple
  • КСНУМКС лук
  • 4 кашике сирћета од црвеног вина
  • Маслиново уље КСНУМКС тбсп
  • 1 кашика лимуновог сока
  • 4 tbsp walnuts
  • 150 г фета сира
  • со бибер


  • Wash the red cabbage, cut into fine strips and sprinkle with salt.
  • Halve the sour apple, cut into small slices and sprinkle with lemon juice. Squeeze the sweet apple into juice.
  • Dice the onion and sauté until translucent, then deglaze with vinegar and apple juice. Bring to the boil and add the apple slices and season with salt and pepper.
  • Roughly chop the walnuts and dice the feta cheese.
  • Mix the marinade, walnuts, feta cheese and olive oil with the red cabbage.

Савет: Let cool for about an hour before eating.

Cook time – 20 minutes, sugar-free, vegetarian.

Red cabbage FAQs

How healthy are red cabbage?

Red cabbage is a real vitamin bomb. It contains just as much vitamin C as lemons and thus strengthens the immune system. Thanks to its high vitamin K content, the popular winter vegetable supports healthy bones. The high proportion of iron and calcium is also good for our bones.

How healthy is red cabbage from the jar?

100 g of frozen red cabbage contain 17 mg of vitamin C. That is almost 80 percent of what fresh red cabbage contains after preparation and 17 percent of the daily requirement. In addition, 100 g of red cabbage from a glass contains 270 µg of iron, around 70 percent of fresh red cabbage.

Is red cabbage good for the gut?

Red cabbage is definitely one of them, because it provides 2.5 grams per 100 grams. Red cabbage is important for our digestion and ensures a long-lasting feeling of satiety. They prevent food cravings because they bind water in the large intestine and swell up. This stimulates intestinal activity.

Is red cabbage anti-inflammatory?

Red cabbage is a vital jack of all trades: the red-blue cabbage vegetable is mainly grown in Germany. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant plant substances, red cabbage strengthens the immune system and protects against numerous diseases.

Is red cabbage difficult to digest?

Cabbage – not just red cabbage – is often considered difficult to digest , which is why many people tend to avoid cabbage. This is due to the solid cell structure of many types of cabbage, which makes it difficult to digest.

Is red cabbage laxative?

The low-calorie red cabbage stimulates intestinal activity with its high fiber content. In sensitive people, however, it can also lead to flatulence due to the ingredient acetylcholine.

Can red cabbage bloat?

Like most types of cabbage, red cabbage can also cause flatulence , which is why you should not eat too large a quantity, especially at the beginning. If your baby reacts to this with stomach pains, it is better to leave the herb out. Your small digestive system has to get used to the different foods.

Does cooked red cabbage still have vitamins?

When exposed to heat, it loses some of its nutrients, but cooked red cabbage is also healthy. The nutritional values ​​of raw vegetables and cooked vegetables differ only slightly. The availability of vitamin C even increases through cooking (not too long).

Is apple red cabbage healthy?

The apple red cabbage can be wonderfully prepared and is not only delicious, but also very healthy . Because red cabbage contains a lot of fiber and secondary plant substances, such as glucosinolates and anthocyanins.

How long does it take for red cabbage to digest?

One cannot generalize, but on average meat takes 3-4 hours to digest . Fruit and vegetables, on the other hand, only need a maximum of 1.5 hours. However, this is also due to the fact that these foods contain much more water than meat.

Фотографија аватара

Написао Јохн Миерс

Професионални кувар са 25 година искуства у индустрији на највишем нивоу. Власник ресторана. Директор пића са искуством у креирању национално признатих коктел програма светске класе. Писац хране са препознатљивим гласом и гледиштем које води кувар.

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