
Потопити овсену кашу или не? Лако Објашњено

To soak oatmeal or not?

Oats are high in protein and minerals. The grain helps to lower your cholesterol level and is also a proven home remedy for stomach problems.

  • You can use oatmeal in cereal or cake. The healthy effect also unfolds as porridge, in soups, or smoothies.
  • Oats contain phytic acid. This acid binds minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. This deprives your body of these nutrients.
  • If you soak oats before eating them, the phytin content is reduced. With oats, 30 minutes is enough.
  • Incidentally, cooking the grain does not affect the phytin content. However, vitamins are lost when heated.
  • However, studies have shown that you do not have to worry about deficiencies in your mineral metabolism even if you eat dry oatmeal.
  • However, there is an exception for raw food lovers: If nuts and grains are particularly common on your menu, you should soak the oatmeal. Otherwise, your body will lose important nutrients in the long run.
  • If you eat a balanced diet, you don’t have to soak the oatmeal.
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