
Payudara Soang Diubaran sareng Saos Krim Jamur sareng Pangsit Napkin Pretzel

Payudara Soang Diubaran sareng Saos Krim Jamur sareng Pangsit Napkin Pretzel

Payudara soang anu diubaran sampurna kalayan saos krim supa sareng resep pangsit napkin pretzel kalayan gambar sareng petunjuk léngkah-léngkah anu saderhana.


  • 25 g uyah curing nitrite
  • Cabé tina coét
  • 20 g suung porcini garing
  • 125 ml Cai
  • 2 Bawang bodas
  • 2 séndok Mentega
  • 1 sdm Tepung
  • 200 ml Krim
  • 2 séndok Sherry
  • Lada, uyah, saciwit gula

Pangsit pretzel napkin:

  • 2 Pretzels from the day before
  • 125 ml Susu
  • 3 gampang gehl. Tbsp Peterseli halus, dicincang
  • 40 g Bawang bodas
  • 0,5 séndok Mentega
  • 1 Egg size L.
  • uyah lada
  • Mantéga anu diklarifikasi

Payudara angsa asin:

  1. Nalika nyiapkeun, perhatikeun waktos curing, peryogi 48 jam (jadi nyiapkeun payudara soang 2 dinten sateuacanna). Ngumbah breasts anjeun tiis tur garing kacida alusna. Nyebarkeun sapotong badag tina cling film (anjeun kudu bisa mungkus payudara Anjeun pageuh jeung eta) dina beungeut karya. Teundeun payudara ka dinya jeung sprinkle eta oge sakuliah kalawan uyah curing jeung rub eta dina enteng. Lajeng mungkus pageuh jeung foil, segel airtight sarta nempatkeun dina mangkok. Ieu disarankeun sabab cairan lolos salami prosés curing, anu teras tiasa dilebetkeun kana mangkok. Sakumaha anu parantos disebatkeun, durasina 48 jam.
  2. Then rinse the breast under cold running water and dry well. Preheat the oven to 180 ° convection. Pierce the top of the breast lightly several times, add a little pepper and place on the gridiron and pierce a roast thermometer deeply. Pour into the oven from below on the 2 rails and slide the tray underneath as a drip catcher. While cooking, baste the top with the dripping fat every now and then. The cooking time is initially 30 minutes. When a core temperature of approx. 70 – 74 ° is reached, switch on either the grill function or only top heat to make the skin crispy. This heat is then sufficient to maintain a core temperature of 80 to a maximum of 82 °. If you want to have the goose breast really “through”, you have to reach a core temperature of 90 – 92 °.

Napkin pangsit:

  1. Potong pretzel kana irisan leutik, bagikeun deui anu langkung ageung sareng tempat dina mangkok. Panas susu, tuang kana potongan-potongan, campur ogé sareng aranjeunna sareng ngantepkeun 20 menit.
  2. Salila ieu, nyeuseuh, garing sarta finely rendang peterseli. Mesek shallots, potong batu leutik jeung tumis dina mentega nepi ka coklat lampu. Nalika potongan pretzel geus soaked nepi susu, tambahkeun endog, peterseli jeung shallots, usum jeung cabé jeung uyah jeung knead sagalana jeung leungeun Anjeun. Lajeng hayu eta lungkawing keur sejen 15-20 menit.
  3. Then spread a large piece of cling film on the work surface and put the dumpling mixture on it. Form a thick roll with the help of the foil, twist the sides of the foil tightly together and thus compress the contents. When a stable roll has been created, wrap it – just as tightly – in aluminum foil and twist the sides together tightly. Bring water to the boil in a larger saucepan and place the roll in it. Turn the heat down a little and let the dumplings simmer gently for 20 minutes. It shouldn’t stick out of the water.
  4. When the time is up, take the dumpling out (but be careful, it’s hot) and let it cool down on a board. Then remove both foils and wrap it loosely in a new foil and keep it ready for later processing.


  1. Put the mushrooms in a bowl. Bring the 125 ml water to the boil, pour it over the mushrooms and let them swell. This can take 20-30 minutes. In the meantime, peel the shallots and cut into small cubes. Heat the butter in a pan and sweat the shallots in it until translucent. Sprinkle with the flour and mix well with everything. Then immediately deglaze with the cream, stir and add the swollen mushrooms including the mushroom stock. Mix well, turn the heat down sharply, and let everything simmer gently for 1 – 2 minutes. Finally, season with pepper, salt and sherry to taste.


  1. Cut the napkin dumplings into 1.5 – 2 cm thick slices and fry them in clarified butter on both sides until crispy.
dahar peuting
payudara soang kapok kalawan saos krim supa jeung pangsit napkin pretzel

Ditulis ku John Myers

Chef profésional kalayan 25 taun pangalaman industri dina tingkat pangluhurna. Pamilik réstoran. Diréktur inuman kalayan pangalaman nyiptakeun program cocktail anu diakui sacara nasional kelas dunya. Panulis dahareun kalayan sora anu didorong ku Chef sareng sudut pandang anu unik.

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