
Panna Cotta Duet kalawan Berry Salad

5 ti 2 sora
kursus dahar peuting
masak Eropa
Servings 5 jelema
kalori 260 kcal


Basil panna cotta

  • 800 ml krim
  • 1 kebat Basil
  • 1 Lémon
  • 1 oranyeu
  • 80 g gula
  • 1 Vanili pod
  • 4 lambaran Gelatin
  • 20 g Massa atah Marzipan

Chocolate panna cotta

  • 500 ml krim
  • 150 g Cantuccini
  • 100 g coklat poék
  • 60 g gula
  • 1 ciwit Cinamon
  • 1 Vanili pod

Salad Berry

  • 300 g Strawberries
  • 100 g Blueberries
  • 50 g Gula tipung
  • 2 sdm Cuka balalsam
  • 10 lambaran Basil
  • 10 lambaran mint


Basil panna cotta

  • For the basil panna cotta, soak the gelatine in cold water. Roughly chop the basil and bring to the boil with the remaining ingredients, let it steep for half an hour. Strain the cream mixture through a fine sieve and stir with gelatine, fill into glasses and refrigerate for 4 hours.

Chocolate panna cotta

  • For the chocolate panna cotta cantuccini coarsely crush and distribute in a buttered springform pan. Soak gelatin.
  • Bring the cream with the pulp of the vanilla pod and vanilla pod, sugar and cinnamon to the boil and remove the pod again. Add gelatine and dissolve, gradually stir in the grated chocolate.
  • Carefully pour the cream mixture into the springform pan and refrigerate for 4 hours.

Salad Berry

  • Roughly chop the basil and mint for the berry salad. Cut the strawberries into small pieces. Mix with blueberries and the remaining ingredients.


  • To serve, fix the basil panna cotta with a little marzipan mixture on the plates.
  • Place a leaf of basil on the panna cotta. Place the round shaped chocolate panna cotta opposite. Place the berries in between. Dust with powdered sugar.

jat nu mawa gisi

Porsi: 100gkalori: 260kcalKarbohidrat: 16.7gprotéin: 3.9ggajih: 19.9g
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Ditulis ku John Myers

Chef profésional kalayan 25 taun pangalaman industri dina tingkat pangluhurna. Pamilik réstoran. Diréktur inuman kalayan pangalaman nyiptakeun program cocktail anu diakui sacara nasional kelas dunya. Panulis dahareun kalayan sora anu didorong ku Chef sareng sudut pandang anu unik.

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