
Pasta kalawan Asparagus jeung peterseli Pesto

5 ti 4 sora
kursus dahar peuting
masak Eropa
Servings 2 jelema


  • 150 g Picolini (MINI PIPE RIGATE / here from Barilla)
  • 1 TSP uyah
  • 500 g Asparagus
  • 1,5 liter cai
  • 1 TSP uyah
  • 1 TSP gula
  • 1 sdm mantega
  • 1 potongan Lémon
  • 100 g pesto peterseli (tingali resep kuring: *))
  • 4 sdm Krim asak
  • 4 sdm Asparagus masak cai
  • 2 pinches badag Uyah laut kasar tina pabrik
  • 2 pinches badag Lada warni ti gilinding
  • 1 sdm Kecap manis
  • 2 Batang Peterseli pikeun garnish


  • Cook the pasta (150 g Picolini) in salted water (1 teaspoon salt) for about 6 minutes and drain through a kitchen sieve. Peel the asparagus with the peeler, cut the ends and cook in 1.5 liters of water with salt (1 teaspoon), sugar (1 teaspoon), butter (1 tbsp) and lemon (1 piece) for about 10 minutes until al dente Cut into pieces approx. 2 cm long. Mix / heat parsley pesto (2 tbsp) with cooking cream (4 tbsp) and asparagus boiling water (4 tbsp) in a pan, add the cooked pasta and pieces of asparagus and mix with coarse sea salt from the mill (2 big pinches), colored pepper from the mill Season (2 big pinches) and sweet soy sauce (1 tbsp). Pan-stir everything for a few minutes, divide between 2 plates and garnish with parsley, serve. *) Parsley pesto
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Ditulis ku John Myers

Chef profésional kalayan 25 taun pangalaman industri dina tingkat pangluhurna. Pamilik réstoran. Diréktur inuman kalayan pangalaman nyiptakeun program cocktail anu diakui sacara nasional kelas dunya. Panulis dahareun kalayan sora anu didorong ku Chef sareng sudut pandang anu unik.

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