
Saos Sayur sareng Daging Minced

5 ti 4 sora
total Time 45 menit
kursus dahar peuting
masak Eropa
Servings 6 jelema
kalori 460 kcal


  • 1 sirah brokoli seger
  • 1 pc Parika yellow
  • 1 pc Peppers beureum
  • 4 pc Wortel leutik
  • 4 pc tomat
  • 3 pc Bawang beureum
  • 2 PCS Cengkéh bawang bodas
  • 500 g Daging cacag
  • cai
  • Rempah-rempah pikeun rasa


  • All vegetables are chopped up in advance.
  • Then fry the minced meat - then add onions and garlic and fry briefly, then add everything except broccoli. Let simmer for about 15 minutes.
  • Then simmer the broccoli for another 10 minutes. At the very end, briefly bring the Cremefine to the boil - READY - BON APPETITE
  • Rice tastes good with it 🙂 Noodles or potatoes

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Porsi: 100gkalori: 460kcal
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Ditulis ku John Myers

Chef profésional kalayan 25 taun pangalaman industri dina tingkat pangluhurna. Pamilik réstoran. Diréktur inuman kalayan pangalaman nyiptakeun program cocktail anu diakui sacara nasional kelas dunya. Panulis dahareun kalayan sora anu didorong ku Chef sareng sudut pandang anu unik.

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