
Sugar Beet Syrup: The Natural Sugar Substitute

The sugar beet is on everyone’s lips. What many people don’t know is that sugar production should not be confused with the production of sugar beet syrup. One produces crystalline, white sugar, the other a tasty, spreadable, dark mass.

The original distribution area of ​​the sugar beet

Today’s sugar beet does not exist in nature. It was bred from the beet to produce sugar. Breeding made it possible to increase the sugar content from the initial eight percent to 16 percent. Anyone who now thinks that sugar beet is a modern invention is wrong. Sugar beets were already being cultivated in Central Europe at the end of the 18th century. As a result, sugar beet syrup was also invented in Central Europe. The distribution areas of the sugar beet are in zones with a temperate climate. Europe, the USA, Russia, and China are true sugar beet nations. 79 percent of the world’s harvest is produced here.

Is Sugar Beet Syrup Healthy?

Sugar beet syrup is the boiled-down juice of the sugar beet. Due to the high heat that the sugar beet is exposed to when it is boiled, almost all of the healthy ingredients are lost. So sugar beet syrup cannot shine with vitamins. But with an abundance of iron, potassium, and magnesium. The calorie content of 100 grams of sugar beet syrup is around 300 calories. So the dark mass is not lightweight. Nevertheless, sugar beet syrup for sweetening is a healthy alternative to conventional sugar. However, if you want to eat healthily, you should not take in more than 5 percent of your daily calorie requirement from sugar.

Beet syrup effect

Sugar beet syrup is not said to have a positive effect. However, it is certainly more suitable for sweetening food or drinks than household sugar.

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Written by Crystal Nelson

I am a professional chef by trade and a writer at night! I have a bachelors degree in Baking and Pastry Arts and have completed many freelance writing classes as well. I specialized in recipe writing and development as well as recipe and restaurant blogging.

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