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Tips & Tricks: Dry wild garlic properly

  • If you have collected the wild garlic in the forest, you should wash it off again beforehand and dry it carefully. Wild garlic from your own garden does not necessarily have to be washed.
  • Simply tie the wild garlic into small bouquets and hang them up in a place that is protected from the sun and high humidity. Shake the bouquets from time to time to prevent mold from forming in areas that are still damp.
  • In a slightly open oven (at a maximum of 50 degrees ( you will dry wild garlic much faster. However, this consumes electricity unnecessarily and heats up your kitchen even more in summer.
  • If the wild garlic is completely dry, you can easily grind it with your fingers or other tools. In a cool and dry environment, the wild garlic will keep for several months in an airtight container.
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Tomonidan yozilgan Jon Myers

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