
Porcini qo'ziqorinli kartoshka va sabzavotli sho'rva

5 dan 4 ovoz
Tayyorlash vaqti 1 soat
Umumiy vaqt 1 soat
Kurs Kechki ovqat
ovqat pishirish Evropa
Xizmatlar 8 odamlar


Potato vegetable soup:

  • 800 g Katta, mumsimon kartoshka
  • 400 g Carrots (here: carrot slices / own production TK)
  • 200 g Leeks (here: leek rings / own production TK)
  • 200 g 2 piyoz
  • 2 Parcha Sarimsoq chinnigullari
  • 2 osh qoshiq yog '
  • 2 litr Sabzavotli bulon (8 choy qoshiq tezkor bulon)
  • 1 choy qoshiq tuz
  • 1 choy qoshiq Tegirmondan olingan rangli qalampir
  • 1 choy qoshiq Ishqalangan marjoram
  • 1 osh qoshiq Maggi wort

Porcini qo'ziqorinlari:

  • 400 g Yangi porcini qo'ziqorinlari
  • 2 osh qoshiq yog '
  • 125 g Jambon kublari
  • 75 g 1 piyoz
  • 100 ml suv
  • 75 g Ko'pirtirilgan qaymoq

Xizmat qilish:

  • Bezatish uchun maydanoz
  • Kremli pishloq


Potato vegetable soup:

  • Peel and wash the potatoes and cut into small cubes. Peel and dice the onions. Peel and finely dice the garlic cloves. Heat butter (2 tbsp) in a large saucepan and fry the vegetables (onion cubes + garlic clove cubes, carrot slices and leek rings) vigorously. Deglaze / pour in the vegetable stock (2 liters / 8 tsp instant stock). Season with salt (1 teaspoon), colored pepper from the mill (1 teaspoon) and grated marjoram (1 teaspoon) and let everything simmer / boil for approx. 30 minutes with the lid closed. Finally, season / season with Maggi seasoning (1 tbsp).

Porcini qo'ziqorinlari:

  • Clean / brush the stone mushrooms and cut into small slices / pieces. Peel onion and chop finely. Heat the butter (2 tbsp) in a pan and stir-fry the ham cubes with the onion cubes in them. Add the sliced ​​porcini mushrooms and stir-fry / stir-fry. Extinguish / pour in the water (100 ml) and continue to fry / simmer until the water has almost completely boiled off / has evaporated. Fold in the whipped cream (75 g) and reduce / simmer. Finally, add / fold in the porcini mushrooms into the potato and vegetable soup.

Xizmat qilish:

  • Serve the potato and vegetable soup with porcini mushrooms garnished with parsley and a dollop of crème fraîche.
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Tomonidan yozilgan Jon Myers

Yuqori darajadagi 25 yillik sanoat tajribasiga ega professional oshpaz. Restoran egasi. Jahon darajasidagi milliy tan olingan kokteyl dasturlarini yaratish tajribasiga ega ichimliklar direktori. Oshpaz tomonidan boshqariladigan o'ziga xos ovozi va nuqtai nazariga ega ovqat yozuvchisi.

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