
Qovoqli rayhon kremi va qizil kamargu guruchli dana go'shti medallari

5 dan 9 ovoz
Tayyorlash vaqti 1 soat
Umumiy vaqt 1 soat
Kurs Kechki ovqat
ovqat pishirish Evropa
Xizmatlar 4 odamlar
Kalori 303 kkal



  • 225 g Kremli pishloq
  • 750 g Qovoqcha
  • 100 g Parmezan
  • 2 Bd Basil
  • tuz
  • Maydalangan oq qalampir
  • 3 Kompyuter. Sarimsoq chinnigullari
  • 3 osh qoshiq Sosni biriktiruvchi yorug'lik
  • 6 Kompyuter. Dana medalyonlari
  • 40 g Aniqlangan sariyog '
  • Camargue red rice


  • Allow the cream and 175 g creme fraiche to boil open in a wide saucepan for approx. 8-10 minutes.
  • In the meantime, wash and clean the zucchini and cut into thin even slices. If the zucchini are very thick, they should first be halved lengthways. Finely grate the Parmesan. Pluck the leaves from the basil. Set aside a few leaves for garnish and cut the rest into fine strips.
  • Season the veal medallions on both sides with salt and pepper and then fry them in the hot clarified butter for 1 minute on each side and remove them from the pan.
  • In the same clarified butter, fry the zucchini in a pan over medium heat and season with salt and pepper. Add the cooked cream and mix in the basil strips. Spread the zucchini and sauce in an ovenproof dish.
  • Place the veal medallions on the zucchini cream and sprinkle with the Parmesan. Spread the rest of the creme fraiche on the veal medallions.
  • Bake the medallions in the preheated oven at 200 degrees on the 2nd level from the top for about 10 minutes. Then brown with the grill for 2-3 minutes.


  • Reduce the cream very thickly because the zucchini give off a lot of juice when cooked. Otherwise the sauce will be too thin. The Parmesan only melts when gratinated if it is mixed with fat. So always put some creme fraiche on top of the cheese.
  • Cook Camargue rice as a side dish, alternatively wild rice can be used.


Xizmat: 100gKaloriyalar: 303kkalUglevodlar: 3.3gProtein: 2.4gYog ': 31.7g
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Tomonidan yozilgan Jon Myers

Yuqori darajadagi 25 yillik sanoat tajribasiga ega professional oshpaz. Restoran egasi. Jahon darajasidagi milliy tan olingan kokteyl dasturlarini yaratish tajribasiga ega ichimliklar direktori. Oshpaz tomonidan boshqariladigan o'ziga xos ovozi va nuqtai nazariga ega ovqat yozuvchisi.

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