
What Are Vitamins? The Big Vitamin Dictionary

All good things come in 13! Because there are so many vitamins. And they are the best guarantee of your health. At Praxisvita you will find all vitamins at a glance.

If just one stone in the domino chain is not right, the run stops. The situation is similar to the vitamins in the body. As small as the dose that we need every day maybe – it is necessary so that important metabolic processes can run optimally. Actually, we absorb vitamins through food. However, it is not uncommon for up to 80 percent of the vital substances to be lost in industrially produced foods. Unfavorable eating habits (cigarettes, alcohol, too much fat, and sugar) do the rest. The result: deficiency symptoms.

When used in a targeted manner, vitamins can avoid this, even prevent diseases and improve the success of therapy. Do you think, “then I’ll take a bit of everything to be on the safe side”? Better not. Avoid the watering can principle with food supplements. If in doubt, you should ask your doctor which vitamin you may need. However, you can always access fresh vegetables, fruit, and untreated food without worrying.

Vitamin B1 | Vitamin A | Vitamin B2 | Vitamin B3 | Vitamin B5 | Vitamin B6 | Vitamin B7 | Vitamin B9 | Vitamin B12 | Vitamin C | Vitamin D | Vitamin E | vitamin k

Vitamin B1 is Good for the nerves

Responsible for: The B vitamin thiamine ensures that our brain and nervous system function well.

Recommended daily dose: 1-1.3 mg.

Then you need more of this: Stressed, nervous, irritable, and mentally tired? These are common symptoms.

There’s a lot in here: Use more peas or other legumes and whole grain products: white flour has up to 80 percent less vitamin B1 than the whole grain variety.

Fat-soluble or water-soluble

The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K can only be broken down into their active components with the help of fat. Because the body stores them, overdose can occur. Vitamin C and B vitamins are water-soluble. H. they are absorbed in the small intestine and excess is excreted.

Vitamin A – the eye vitamin

Responsible for: Vitamin A is also called retinol and is extremely important for vision. It also protects the mucous membranes and strengthens the immune system.

Recommended daily dose: 0.8-1.0 mg.

Then you need more of it: If you have recently found it difficult to see in the dark or have dry, burning eyes, this indicates a vitamin A deficiency. The requirement is also increased in the case of fever and chronic intestinal diseases.

There’s a lot in here: If you have a shortage, use butter instead of margarine. Liver, egg yolk, and sea fish (mackerel, halibut) are also good suppliers. Kale, spinach, and carrots are high in beta-carotene, the precursor to vitamin A.

Vitamin B2 The energy donor

Responsible for: In order to gain energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, the body needs riboflavin, i.e. vitamin B2.

Recommended daily dose: 1.2-1.5 mg.

Then you need more of it: If you have torn corners of your mouth and inflammation in your mouth and throat, you should have your vitamin B2 level tested. The same applies if you suffer from anemia or are suddenly much more sensitive to light.

There is a lot in here: If you consume milk and various milk products every day, then you are on the safe side in terms of supply.

Vitamin B3 Regulates blood lipid levels

Responsible for: As a collective term, vitamin B3 stands for nicotinic acid (niacin), which is one of the best drugs for high blood lipids. And for nicotinamide, which primarily alleviates arthrosis symptoms.

Recommended daily dose: 13-17 mg.

Then you need more of it: Loss of appetite, diarrhea, and sleep disorders are indications. Also typical: when exposed to the sun, the skin flakes.

There’s a lot in here: In addition to peanuts, coffee, lean meat, and poultry are particularly rich in vitamin B3. Deficiencies are rare these days.

Vitamin B5 Heals wounds

Responsible for: Vitamin B5 is also known as pantothenic acid. The drug “dexpanthenol” goes back to this root word. In addition to its wound-healing effect, this vitamin is involved in many other processes in the body. It supports the detoxification work of the liver and takes care of the pigmentation of the hair.

Recommended daily dose: 5-8 mg.

Then you need more of it: With burning, aching feet (burning feet syndrome), a vitamin B5 deficiency is found in most cases. The same applies to patients with arthritis.

There’s a lot in here: It is contained in almost all foods, especially in mushrooms and brewer’s yeast – but up to 80 percent is lost when cooking or freezing.

Vitamin B6 The metabolism helper

Responsible for: Without vitamin B6, the metabolic processes in the body cannot function. This affects the nervous and immune systems, blood formation, and the body’s own detoxification. With a low vitamin B6 level, the risk of cardiovascular diseases doubles

Recommended daily dose: 1.6 mg.

Then you need more of it: If you cannot fall asleep despite being tired, suffer severely from PMS (premenstrual syndrome), and have trouble concentrating, a vitamin B6 check is worthwhile.

There’s a lot in here: The main sources of vitamin B6 are potatoes, cereals (whole grain), and meat (especially offal).

The most common causes of vitamin deficiency

A healthy, balanced and natural diet provides us with sufficient vitamins. However, pregnant women, the elderly, the chronically ill, and athletes have a higher daily requirement (determined by the doctor). Stress, cigarettes, fast food, and alcohol are vitamin robbers.

Vitamin B7 Strengthens skin and hair

Responsible for: You may know this vitamin as biotin or vitamin H (like skin). It ensures good hair and nail growth and regulates the fat content in the skin.

Recommended daily dose: 30-60 µg (micrograms) = 0.03-0.06 mg (milligrams).

Then you need more of it: A biotin deficiency can occur after long-term use of antibiotics or in dialysis patients. Typical features are dry, scaly skin and brittle fingernails. An extra portion of vitamin B7 is good for the skin in case of sunburn.

There is a lot in here: A healthy intestinal flora produces enough biotin. If you want to absorb more, use more soy products, eggs, and oatmeal.

Vitamin B9 Protects the heart and circulation

Responsible for: Also known as folic acid. This B vitamin prevents heart disease. And it is considered a pregnancy hormone because it is particularly important for cell growth.

Recommended daily dose: 0.4 mg.

Then you need more of it: people with an increased risk of a heart attack and those with rheumatism should pay attention to their folic acid balance. In the first few weeks of pregnancy, a deficiency can lead to premature birth and developmental defects.

There’s a lot in here: Fresh green salads and vegetables (e.g. spinach) are good suppliers of folic acid – at least when they are raw.

Vitamin B12 Supports blood formation

Responsible for: One of the most important tasks of vitamin B12 is the production of red blood cells and new cells.

Recommended daily dose: 3.0 µg (micrograms) = 0.003 mg (milligrams).

Then you need more of it: Vitamin B12 deficiency usually occurs with chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis) or prolonged use of medication.

There is a lot in here: meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs can cover the demand well.

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Written by Crystal Nelson

I am a professional chef by trade and a writer at night! I have a bachelors degree in Baking and Pastry Arts and have completed many freelance writing classes as well. I specialized in recipe writing and development as well as recipe and restaurant blogging.

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