
Grill baix en carbohidrats: 3 idees delicioses

If you’re following a low-carb diet, grilling can be an ordeal for you. Because most of the salads and sauces offered at a barbecue are high in carbohydrates. We show you 3 delicious ideas with which you can enjoy grilling again.

Low carb: stuffed mushrooms

Stuffed mushrooms from the grill are wonderfully aromatic and have an incomparable taste.

  • All you need is mushrooms and a filling of your choice.
  • You can make the filling out of yogurt or feta cheese, for example. Just make sure to smooth out the feta cream so there aren’t too many lumps in it. Season the cream with garlic and an 8-herb mixture from the refrigerated section.
  • First, you should stem and clean the mushrooms. Under no circumstances should you wash off mushrooms, as they will soak up water through the sponge. As a result, they lose their taste.
  • Once the mushrooms have been destalked, you can fill them. Simply put the cream in the hollow with a teaspoon.
  • But you don’t have to throw away the stems. With a few onions, you can fry them in a pan and have a delicious side dish. Alternatively, you can also use the fried stalks to make a salad.
  • A little tip: If you want, you can also wrap the mushrooms in bacon.
  • You can use aluminum foil to wrap the mushrooms in it. This way they don’t burn as quickly on the grill.

Grilled low-carb vegetables with dip

You can also use the feta cream from the first recipe as a great dip for grilled vegetables.

  • To make delicious grilled vegetables, you should prepare the vegetables properly.
  • Of course, the first step is to wash the vegetables. This is best done under lukewarm water.
  • Now you should decide on a shape. For example, you can put aubergines on the grill in both slices and strips. This is a personal preference and is entirely up to you.
  • Regardless of which shape you choose, you should brush the pieces of vegetables with some oil afterward.
  • If you don’t want to use a dip, you can marinate and season your grilled vegetables completely.
  • How you grill the vegetables is also your decision. You can place the slices on the grill grate so that they get the typical grilling stripes. Or you can wrap everything in aluminum foil and put it on the grill to cook.

Grilled skewers for low-carb nutrition

Barbecue skewers are the ideal way to boost your daily vegetable intake.

  • For these hearty skewers, you need meat, onions, and vegetables. You can put together your creations here and of course, you can also omit the onions if you don’t like them.
  • The quality of the skewers themselves is important. If these are too cheap, the meat could taste very bad.
  • We, therefore, advise you to buy stainless steel skewers or to put the whole thing on regular wooden skewers. Avoid plastic.
  • After you’ve cut all the ingredients, the best part of this recipe can begin: putting them together. Find a few energetic helpers or do it alone, just as you like.
  • You should always alternate the ingredients on the skewer. So first meat, then a slice of onion, and then the vegetables. And then start again.
  • Be sure to leave some space both at the top and bottom. This ensures that you can still hold the skewer well after grilling.
  • Of course, you can also omit the meat or replace it with mushrooms, for example.
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Escrit per Allison Turner

Sóc un dietista registrat amb més de 7 anys d'experiència donant suport a moltes facetes de la nutrició, incloses, entre d'altres, comunicacions nutricionals, màrqueting nutricional, creació de continguts, benestar corporatiu, nutrició clínica, servei d'aliments, nutrició comunitària i desenvolupament d'aliments i begudes. Proporciono experiència rellevant, actual i basada en la ciència en una àmplia gamma de temes de nutrició, com ara el desenvolupament de continguts nutricionals, el desenvolupament i l'anàlisi de receptes, l'execució del llançament de nous productes, les relacions amb els mitjans d'alimentació i nutrició, i actuo com a expert en nutrició en nom. d'una marca.

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