
Petits rotllets de primavera

5 de 7 vots
Temps total 1 hora
Curs Sopar
Cuina Europeu
Racions 4 persones
Calories 114 kcal


  • 12 deixa Paper d’arròs
  • 200 g Col blanca fresca
  • 100 g Pastanagues
  • 5 g Bolets shiitake secs
  • 2 Cebes de primavera
  • 5 Dents d'all
  • 1 g Gingebre
  • 25 g Fideus de vidre
  • 1 cda oli de cacauet
  • 3 cda salsa d'ostres
  • 1 culleradeta Sugar
  • 1 L Oli de gira-sol per fregir
  • 1 culleradeta Oli de cacauet per fregir


  • Soak the shiitake mushrooms in warm water for at least 20 minutes. Wash and clean the white cabbage and cut into very fine strips. Peel the carrots and cut into fine strips with the vegetable slicer. Wash and clean the spring onions and cut into fine rolls. Peel garlic and chop finely. Take the mushrooms out of the water, remove the stem and cut the hats into fine strips. Ginger peel and finely chop.
  • Heat the peanut oil in a wok. Add the garlic and ginger and fry until translucent, remove. Put the mushrooms, white cabbage, carrots, spring onion rolls as well as the oyster sauce and sugar in the wok and cook over a medium heat for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in the garlic, ginger and glass noodles. Remove the wok from the heat, season with white pepper and let cool down.
  • Briefly moisten a sheet of pastry with water. Then put them on a kitchen board. Place 1 tbsp of the cooled filling in the middle in the lower third. Fold the pastry sheet up, then fold both sides tightly and roll everything up. Do the same with the remaining pastry sheets. Place the finished rolls on a silicone pad, spaced apart from one another.
  • Heat the sunflower oil and peanut oil strongly for deep-frying in the wok. Bake the spring rolls in portions for 3-4 minutes until they are golden yellow and crispy. Lift out and drain on kitchen paper.
  • Arrange the spring rolls on a plate and serve with the sweet and sour plum dip or sweet and sour chili sauce. Calculate 3-4 rolls per serving.


Atenció: 100gCalories: 114kcalHidrats de carboni: 9gProteïna: 1.3gGreix: 8.3g
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Escrit per John Myers

Xef professional amb 25 anys d'experiència en el sector als més alts nivells. Propietari del restaurant. Director de begudes amb experiència creant programes de còctels reconeguts a nivell mundial. Escriptor de menjar amb una veu i un punt de vista distintius impulsats pel xef.

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