
Preventing Hangovers: How to Avoid the Hangover – 7 Important Tips

If you want to prevent a hangover, you have a few options to choose from. Proper preparation before going to the party is important, but drinking at the party and following your bedtime routine can also help.


Preventing a hangover instead of enduring it

If you drink too much alcohol, you get a hangover – at least most of the time. This is because alcohol consumption leads to increased loss of fluid from the body. This creates an imbalance in the body’s electrolyte balance. But a few tips and tricks can make the morning after more bearable. However, this requires a little planning and preparation.

  1. Drink on a full stomach – It is best to have a proper meal before the party. This means that you drink less because your stomach is already full. It also slows down the absorption of the alcohol into the blood since the stomach is still busy breaking down the food.
  2. Don’t drink mixed up – It’s not just beer and wine that shouldn’t be mixed up. In general, it is best to stay with one type of alcohol for the whole evening. This way you can better assess how your own body reacts to the drink and you don’t run the risk of losing track of the liquids you have consumed.
  3. The “intermediate water” – Drink a full glass of water between each glass of alcohol (regardless of whether it is beer, wine or a tequila shot). On the one hand, this ensures that you drink less alcohol overall and it prevents the loss of fluids that triggers the hangover.
  4. Do not mix sugar with alcohol – sugar accelerates the absorption of alcohol into the blood. That’s why you should only enjoy particularly sweet drinks, such as cocktails, in moderation.
  5. Consume slowly – Those who drink slowly get more out of the evening. Not only do you save money, but you also keep a better overview of the amount of alcohol you have already consumed. In addition, you usually drink less, which also has a positive effect on a possible hangover.
  6. Water before bed – Even when you’re no longer at the party, your body is still struggling with dehydration. Before going to bed, it is therefore advisable to drink two to three glasses of water and also to put water in bed for the night.
  7. Know your own limits – This is the most important tip. Alcohol should always be consumed in moderation. This not only prevents a hangover, but also health problems and social difficulties.

What to do if you already have a hangover

Anyone who drank a little too deeply the night before and did not drink in between will be punished the next morning. Headaches, dizziness and nausea are the most common symptoms of a hangover. They are due to the body losing fluids and can be relieved with a number of remedies. However, these measures do not accelerate the breakdown of alcohol in the body.

  • Drink water – The fluid that was lost in the evening should now be replenished. Still mineral water is best for this because it contains important electrolytes and does not irritate the stomach as much as carbonated water.
  • Cooling pads – Hangovers are often accompanied by headaches and a hot head. As with a fever, you can take a cooling pad out of the freezer and apply it to your forehead or neck.
  • Hangover breakfast – Depending on the degree of nausea the next morning, it makes sense to eat a greasy meal. This supplies the body with important substances that have been lost with the liquid through alcohol consumption.
  • Popsicles – If you’re too nauseous for a greasy hangover breakfast, you can start with a popsicle. This cools and calms the stomach and already provides a little sugar that the body needs to get the circulation going again.
  • Pickles – They’re a popular hangover remedy among college students. Pickled cucumbers and cucumber water contain a lot of electrolytes and are also a good remedy when nausea prohibits a whole hangover breakfast.

Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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